The Exo Health and Safety Setup Cycle
The setup requirements of Health and Safety need to be addressed in a sequential basis, meaning that a requirement for starting one step in the sequence is to have completed the previous step. These steps are database-driven and the information entered is interlinked.
For example, before you start entering your employees into the system, you need to be aware of what Risk Area the employee belongs to, and hazards they may be exposed to in a normal working day.
The Setup Cycle steps you through the process of setting up the various masterfiles that will be called on when pays are run. These masterfiles define the types of payments your staff may be eligible for during a pay.
The Setup Cycle opens automatically the first time you open a newly created company. From then on, the cycle can be accessed by selecting Setup Cycle from the Help menu.
Click on each of the steps in turn to perform all of the necessary operations for setting up your company.
TIP: The steps covered in this Cycle can also be performed by selecting the appropriate option from the Maintenance menu.