Managing Access to the Customer Portal: To Create a User Account for a Contact

In the following implementation activity, you will create user accounts by using the Users (SM201010) and Contacts (CR302000) forms of MYOB Advanced.


Suppose that your company has decided to provide the Customer Portal for users of customers' companies. As a system administrator, you have already created user roles and user types, and now you need to create two user accounts in the Customer Portal for the following customer contacts of Storehut (a chain of supermarkets):

  • A customer administrator (Tonya Lawrence, a buyer) who will have the access rights to manage other user accounts of this customer in the Customer Portal and update company's profile. The Tonya Lawrence contact has already been created on the Contacts (CR302000) form of MYOB Advanced, and you need to create a corresponding user account.
  • A customer user (Ray Newman, an assistant buyer) who will have restricted access to company profile modification and company contacts. No contact or user account exists for Ray Newman in MYOB Advanced, and you will create both a contact and a user account.

You will then verify that the created users have the proper access rights in the Customer Portal.

Configuration Overview

For the purposes of this activity, the following tasks have been performed:

  • The MYOB Advanced application instance with the U100 dataset preloaded and the Customer Portal application instance have been deployed in the same database.
    Tip: These instances must be deployed in the same database. This deployment is outside of the scope of this training.
  • In the U100 dataset, on the User Roles (SM201005) form of MYOB Advanced, the Portal Admin role has been assigned to the gibbs user account. The role provides full administrative privileges in the Customer Portal. The user account is associated with Kimberly Gibbs, the system administrator in the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company.
  • The STORE contact class—for the employees of supermarket, stores, and groceries—has been defined on the Contact Classes (CR205000) form.
  • The Tonya Lawrence contact has been created on the Contacts (CR302000) form and associated with the STOREHUT business account, which has been created on the Business Accounts (CR303000) form and extended to be a customer.

Process Overview

For the two Storehut employees to whom you want to give access to the Customer Portal, you will create user accounts. For Ray Newman, who does not have a related contact in MYOB Advanced, you will first create a contact on the Contacts (CR302000) form. You will then specify the settings to cause the system to create Ray's user account. For Tonya Lawrence, a contact already exists in MYOB Advanced, and you will use the Users (SM201010) form to create Tonya's user account.

System Preparation

Before you start creating user accounts for the Customer Portal, do the following:

  1. Make sure that you have performed the following prerequisite activities:
    1. Managing Access to the Customer Portal: To Create Roles for Employees of a Customer
    2. Managing Access to the Customer Portal: To Create User Types for the Customer Portal
  2. Launch the MYOB Advanced instance that uses the same database as the Customer Portal to be configured, and sign in as a system administrator with the following credentials:
    • Username: gibbs
    • Password: 123

Step 1: Creating a User Account for a Contact

To create a user account for Tonya Lawrence, who already has a contact defined in the system, do the following:

  1. Open the Users (SM201010) form.
  2. In the Login box of the Summary area, type, which will be used as the username of the new user account.
  3. Clear the Generate Password check box.
  4. In the Password box, type 1234.
  5. In the User Type box, select the Customer Admin user type. For this user type, Contact is selected in the Linked Entity box on the User Types (EP202500) form, making Customer User a contact-related user type: a user type associated with a contact in your system.

    The system displays a warning dialog box asking you to verify that you want to proceed.

  6. In the warning dialog box, click Yes. You are proceeding because this temporary issue will be resolved when you select a linked entity.
  7. In the Linked Entity box, click the magnifier button to open the lookup table. In the table, type Tonya Lawrence into the Search box, and then double-click this contact to select it.

    The system automatically populates the appropriate elements on the form with the contact's name and email address.

  8. To select the security policies to be applied to the user account according to your company's policy, specify the following settings:
    • Allow Password Recovery: Selected
    • Allow Password Changes: Selected
    • Password Never Expires: Cleared
    • Force User to Change Password on Next Login: Selected
  9. On the form toolbar, click Save.

The system has created the user account for the Tonya Lawrence contact on the Users form.

Step 2: Creating a New Contact and a User Account for This Contact

To create a new contact, Ray Newman, for the STOREHUT customer and create a user account of the Customer User type for this contact, do the following:

  1. On the Contacts (CR302000) form, add a new record.
  2. In the Business Account box of the Summary area, select STOREHUT.
  3. On the Details tab, do the following:
    1. In the First Name box of the Contact section, type Ray.
    2. In the Last Name box, type Newman.
    3. In the Job Title box, type Assistant buyer.
    4. In the Email box, type
    5. In the Address section, clear the Override check box. Based on the address information specified in the STOREHUT business account, the system fills in the address boxes with the company's address information.
  4. On the CRM Info tab, in the Contact Class box, select STORE.
  5. On the form toolbar, click Save.
  6. On the User Info tab, do the following:
    1. In the User Type box, select Customer User.
    2. In the Login box, make sure that the email address is inserted.
    3. Clear the Generate Password check box. You will instead enter a password for this user.
    4. In the Password box, type 123.
  7. On the form toolbar, click Save.
Tip: In a production environment, if the system email account is configured in the MYOB Advanced instance, when you have added the user account for a contact and saved your changes, an email containing the username and password would be sent to the user's email account.

Step 3: Reviewing the Customer Administrator's Access to the Customer Portal

To verify that the customer administrator user account you created has access rights to create contacts and edit company profile information in the Customer Portal, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the Customer Portal instance as the customer administrator you have defined by using the username and the 1234 password. The system immediately displays boxes for the new password because the Force User to Change Password on Next Login check box was selected on the Users (SM201010) form when you created the user account for this user.
  2. In the New Password and Confirm Password boxes, type 123; click Sign In.
  3. Open the Company Profile (SP408030) form.
  4. Verify that you can edit company information by copying the phone number in the Phone 1 box and inserting it in the Fax box.
  5. On the form toolbar, click Save, and make sure that your changes are saved successfully.
  6. Open the Contacts (SP408040) form.
  7. Verify that the Add New button is available on the form toolbar.
    Note: The user account of a customer administrator that you have created in this activity can create user accounts for contacts to access the Customer Portal instance for the specific customer. The customer administrator creates contacts directly in the Customer Portal. This process of creating contacts, which is similar to this process in the MYOB Advanced instance, is outside of the scope of this training.
  8. Sign out of the Customer Portal.

Step 4: Reviewing the Customer User's Access to the Customer Portal

To verify that the customer user that you created can sign in to the Customer Portal and does not have access to modify the company's information, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the Customer Portal instance by using the username and the 123 password.
  2. Open the Company Profile (SP408030) form. Make sure that the data on the form is unavailable for editing.
  3. Search for the Contacts (SP408040) form, and make sure that it does not appear in the search results, indicating that it is not accessible.
  4. Sign out of the Customer Portal.

You have created two user accounts and specified different user types for them, which caused different roles to be assigned to them. Because of these differences, the created users have different levels of access rights to the same forms in the Customer Portal instance.