Pick List

Form ID: (SO644000)

This report is available only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

This report displays a pick list for the selected shipment as a ready-to-print document. The document provides the list of items to be picked from various locations for the selected shipment. Quantity, weight, and volume information is provided for each item, and the total weight and volume are specified at the bottom of the document.

The following barcodes are available for scanning in a pick list: the shipment number barcode, the location barcode for each of the items in the pick list, and the barcode for confirming the items being picked.

If a physical inventory count is in progress for any of the items included in the pick list, the system displays a message indicating that the item is frozen for a physical count. This message is displayed in the Qty. Picked column of the appropriate report lines to prevent a warehouse worker from picking these items for shipment.

See the following section for a description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab of the report form. For more information about using other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report Parameters

On the Report Parameters tab, you use the following parameter to select the information to be displayed on the report:

  • Shipment Number: The shipment number; select the number of an open shipment to prepare the pick list for it.