Matrix Invoice/Memo

Form ID: (SO643010)

This report is available only if the Matrix Items feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

This report displays the selected invoice or memo, which contains matrix items, as a ready-to-print document. The document provides the company information (in the upper left), the bill-to and ship-to addresses of the customer, the required customer information, and the itemized list of goods being shipped, along with the prices.

If Canada is selected in the Localization box on the Companies (CS101500) form for the company, the current printable document will be replaced with the appropriate Canadian printable document regardless of how the report is generated.

See the following section for a description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab of the report form. For more information about using other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report Parameters

On the Report Parameters tab, you use the following parameters to select the information to be displayed on the report:

  • Document Type: The document type for which information will be generated: Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Fin. Charge, Cash Sale, or Void Cash Sale. Select a type, or leave the box blank to bring up multiple types.
  • Reference Number: The reference number of the document to be generated. If you don't select a number, multiple invoices or memos of the selected document type will be generated, each on its own page.