Search in Files

Form ID: (SM202520)

You can use this form to find specific files that have been imported into the system.

You can search the files by the form to which the file was imported or by any combination of the following criteria:

  • Any text contained in the file name
  • The author or creator of the file
  • The date range during which the file was added to the system
  • The user who checked out or added the file

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Selection Area

You can use this area to specify search criteria that might help you find the file you want to locate.

Element Description
File Name Contains The name of the file (that you want to locate) or any text that the file name contains.
Added From The start date of the date range during which the files to be shown were added. Specify this date if you want to view the files added during a particular date range, or leave the box blank to view the files added anytime after system initialization.
To The end date of the date range during which the files to be shown were added. Select this date or leave the box blank to view the files added up to the current date.
Added By The user name of the employee who added the files to be shown.
Checked Out By The user name of the employee who checked out the files to be shown.
Screen ID The form used to upload a file.
Show Unassigned Files A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system displays only files that have to links to the system entities.


In this table, the system displays the list of files that match the criteria you specified in the Selection area. The list of files is updated each time you modify the search criteria in the Selection area.

Table 1. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Add Link

Attaches the selected file to the entity from which a user has navigated to the form.

The button is displayed if you have navigated to the form from the Files dialog box.

Add Link and Close

Attaches the selected file to the entity from which a user has navigated to the form and closes the form.

The button is displayed if you have navigated to the form from the Files dialog box.

Get File

Downloads the selected file to your computer.

The button is displayed if you opened the form directly from a respective workspace.

Get File Link

Opens the File Link dialog box with the file link that you can use in a wiki article.

The button is displayed if you opened the form directly from a respective workspace.

Delete File

Deletes the selected file, if it does not have any links to the system entities.

The button is displayed if you opened the form directly from a respective workspace.

Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Name The name of the file.
Creation Time The date and time when the file was added to the system.
Created By The system user who uploaded the file.
Check-Out Comment The user-added description of or comment about the file.