Expense Receipts with Corporate Cards: Mass-Processing of Documents

This topic explains how to process multiple expense claims, and how the system generates, changes, or works with documents as a result of the mass processing.

Mass-Claiming Expense Receipts

Expense receipts can be mass-claimed. To claim multiple expense receipts at a time, you open the To Be Claimed tab of the Expense Receipts (EP301010) form, select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows of the expense receipts to be claimed, and click Claim on the form toolbar. The system creates expense claims for the selected expense receipts.

To create expense claims for all the expense receipts listed on this tab, you click Claim All on the form toolbar.

Mass-Releasing Expense Claims

Expense claims can be mass-released. To release multiple expense claims at a time, you open the Release Expense Claims (EP501000) form, select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows of the expense claims to be processed, and click Release on the form toolbar. The system releases the selected expense claims.

To release all the expense claims listed in the table on this form, you click Release All on the form toolbar.

Mass-Billing Customers for Claimed Expenses

Customers can be mass-billed for claimed expenses. To create invoices for all the approved expense claims of particular customers at a time, you open the Bill Expense Claims (EP502000) form, select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows of the customers to be billed, and click Process on the form toolbar. The system releases the corresponding expense claims of the selected customers and creates invoices.

To bill all the customers listed in the table on this form for claimed expenses, you click Process All on the form toolbar. The system releases the corresponding expense claims of all the customers listed in the table and creates invoices.