Manual Vendor Discounts: Configuration Prerequisites

This section explains how to prepare the system so that a user can manually apply discounts to specific lines of a document or to a document as a whole.

Enabling Features

In MYOB Advanced, in order to be able to apply manual discounts to financial documents, the following features must be enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form:

  • Standard Financials, which provides the standard financial functionality
  • Vendor Discounts, which supports configuring and applying discounts offered by vendors
    Note: For vendor discounts that are directly specified in a document—that is, for a particular document line (as a percentage or an amount) or a document as a whole (as an amount), the Vendor Discounts feature is not required. However, this feature must be enabled for vendor discounts that are first configured in the system and then applied in a document—at a line, group or document level—as a discount code or a combination of a discount code and sequence.
  • Inventory (optional), which provides the functionality of maintaining stock items

Other Configuration Settings

Make sure that the following settings are configured in the system:

The vendors for which you plan to define discounts in MYOB Advanced have been configured on the Vendors (AP303000) form.

For item-specific discounts, the non-stock and stock items for which you plan to define discounts are configured on the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form and Stock Items (IN202500) form, respectively.