Production of Lot- or Serial-Tracked Items: Implementation Checklist

The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for tracking the production of lot or serial-tracked items.


Make sure that the following tasks have been performed before you start implementing the tracking of the production of lot or serial-tracked items:

Implementation Checklist

We recommend that before you initially track the production of lot or serial-tracked items, you make sure the needed features have been enabled and settings have been specified, as summarized in the following checklist.

Form Criteria to Check
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) The Lot and Serial Tracking feature within the Inventory and Order Management group of features has been enabled.
Lot/Serial Classes (IN207000) The lot or serial classes to be used for produced items and for materials have been created. For the lot or serial class of the item to be produced, in the Assignment Method box, the When Received option has been specified for users to be able to preassign lot or serial numbers to production orders.
Stock Items (IN202500) The stock items for the items to be produced and materials used in production of these items have been created. The appropriate lot or serial class is specified in the Lot/Serial Class box of the Item Defaults section on the General tab for each lot- or serial-tracked item.
Bill of Material (AM208000) form The bills of material for producing the lot- or serial-tracked items have been created.
Production Order Types (AM201100)

If you need to set up the preassignment of lot or serial numbers to produced items, the Allow Preassigning Lot/Serial Numbers check box is selected on this form (in the Data Entry section of the General tab) for the production order type that you use for production orders of these items. The production order type must have the Regular option selected in the Function box.

If you want users to assign the lot or serial number of each unit of the produced item to the lot- or serial-tracked materials used to produce the item, you make sure that the appropriate value has been specified in the Require Parent Lot/Serial Number box of the same section.

Validation of Configuration

To make sure that all configuration has been performed correctly, we recommend that in your system, you process production orders with lot- or serial-tracked items by performing instructions similar to those described in .Production of Lot- or Serial-Tracked Items: To Assign Parent Serial Numbers to Materials on Issue and Production of Lot- or Serial-Tracked Items: To Assign Parent Serial Numbers to Materials on Completion.