To Configure Table Methods of Class Type

To add a new depreciation table method, first you use the Depreciation Table Methods (FA202600) form to add a method of the class type that will be used to aggregate methods of asset type, as described in this topic.

To Configure a Table Method of the Class Type

  1. Open the Depreciation Table Methods (FA202600) form.
  2. On the form toolbar, click Add New Record.
  3. In the Depreciation Method ID box, type the name of the new method.
  4. In the Record Type box, select the Class type.
  5. In the Useful Life, Years box, specify the supposed asset useful life in years.
  6. In the Recovery Period box, review the setting automatically calculated by the system based on the useful life.
  7. In the Description box, specify the description of the asset.
  8. In the Averaging Convention box, select the averaging convention to be used for the method. For more information, see Averaging Conventions
  9. In the Convention Period box, type 1.
  10. On the form toolbar, click Save.

After you have added a method of class type, you configure the methods of assets type, as described in To Configure Table Methods of Asset Type.