To Split an Asset

By using the Split Assets (FA506000) form, you can divide one asset into separate assets. For each asset being removed from the original fixed asset, you specify the appropriate percentage, quantity, or amount. The original asset remains in the system; its cost, quantity, accumulated depreciation, and salvage amount are reduced by the cost, quantity, accumulated depreciation, and salvage amount of the new assets.

To Split a Fixed Asset

  1. Open the Split Assets (FA506000) form.
  2. In the Fixed Asset box of the Summary area, select the asset you want to split.
  3. In the Split Date box, select the date of the split.
  4. In the Split Period box, select the period of the split.
  5. If you want to depreciate the asset before the split, select the Depreciate Before Split check box.
  6. For each asset the original asset will be split into, do the following:
    1. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
    2. Define the part of the original asset to be assigned to the new asset. Do one of the following:
      • In the Cost column, specify the cost to be assigned to a new asset.
      • In the Ratio column, specify the percentage of the original cost of the asset.
      • In the Quantity column, specify the quantity to be assigned to a new asset.
  7. On the form toolbar, click Split.

    The new assets are created; for each, the identifier is displayed in the Asset ID column. Every new asset contains the part of the original asset cost and the depreciation amount calculated by the system by using the specified ratio.

  8. Release the resulting transactions as dictated by your company workflow. For more information, see To Release Fixed Asset Transactions.