To Configure Disposal Methods

You configure the disposal methods for the system by using the Disposal Methods (FA207000) form.

For more information on disposing of assets, see Managing Fixed Asset Disposals.

How to Configure a Disposal Method

  1. Open the Disposal Methods (FA207000) form.
  2. On the form toolbar, click Add Row to add a new disposal method.
  3. In the Disposal Method ID column, specify the ID for new method.
  4. In the Description column, enter the description of the new method.
  5. Optional: Specify the account for the proceeds. By default, the system uses the Proceeds account you specified on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form.
  6. Optional: Specify the subaccount for the proceeds account. By default, the system uses the Proceeds subaccount you specified on the Fixed Assets Preferences form.
  7. On the form toolbar, click Save.