Order Synchronization: Seller-Fulfilled Orders

For seller-fulfilled orders, sales orders are imported into MYOB Acumatica and processed and shipped by the seller. The information about the shipments is then exported to the Amazon seller account.

Setting Up the Import of Seller-Fulfilled Orders

To set up the synchronization of data for seller-fulfilled orders, you perform the following general steps:

  1. Encrypt the data.

    Make sure that the MYOB Acumatica database is encrypted with an algorithm with a minimum of 2048-bit encryption. For an overview of encrypting data in MYOB Acumatica, see Digital Certificates: General Information.

  2. Activate the entities.

    To synchronize seller-fulfilled orders, the following entities should be activated on the Entity Settings tab of the Amazon Stores (BC201020) form:

    • Sales Order
    • Shipment
    • Payment
  3. Specify the order type for imported orders.

    On the Order Settings tab (Order section), you must specify the order type that will be used for imported sales orders in the Seller-Fulfilled Order Type box. The order type must be defined on the Order Types (SO201000) form based on the SO - Sales Order template and have the Protect Personal Data check box selected.

  4. Specify the common order synchronization settings.

    On the Order Settings tab (General and Order section), you specify the general settings related to the synchronization of orders, such as the branch that will appear on the imported documents, the earliest order date (which eliminates earlier orders that should not be imported), and the generic customer ID that will be inserted in the imported documents.

    We recommend that the generic customer ID be created without address details other than the country.
  5. Make sure that the product identifiers match.

    For each product in the Amazon seller account, the seller SKU or the ASIN number should match the inventory ID or an alternate ID of the stock or template item on the Stock Items (IN202500) or Template Items (IN203000) form.

  6. Map the shipping methods.

    On the Shipping Settings tab of the Amazon Stores form, you map the Amazon shipping methods with the Ship Via codes defined in MYOB Acumatica.

    When the order synchronization is started without the shipping method mapping, it fails. The Amazon connector populates the Store Shipping Method column, which you can then map with the Ship Via code.

    You must also map each Ship Via code with a carrier from Amazon in a substitution list on the Substitution Lists (SM206026) form, and then specify this substitution list in the Ship Via Codes to Carriers box on the Order Settings tab of the Amazon Stores form. Similarly, you must map each Ship Via code with a carrier service from Amazon in a substitution list, and then specify the substitution list in the Ship Via Codes to Carrier Services box on the Order Settings tab. If the carrier and carrier service method that have been defined for a Ship Via code do not match those defined in Amazon, during the export of a shipment, the carrier or carrier service method in Amazon will be updated based on the substitution values specified in these substitution lists.

Synchronizing Seller-Fulfilled Orders

Seller-fulfilled orders are imported from an Amazon seller account during the synchronization of the Sales Order entity. For details about data synchronization, see Data Synchronization: General Information.

During the data processing stage of the order import, a sales order is created on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form with the following settings:

  • The order type is assigned based on the value specified in the Seller-Fulfilled Order Type box on the Order Settings tab of the Amazon Stores (BC201020) form.
  • The customer is inserted based on the value specified in the Generic Customer box on the Order Settings tab.

Exporting Shipments for Seller-Fulfilled Orders

For orders that are imported from Amazon to MYOB Acumatica for processing, you can export information about the created and confirmed shipments to the Amazon seller account. Shipments are exported during the synchronization of the Shipment entity.

For the successful synchronization of shipments, the following conditions must be met on the Shipments (SO302000) form:

  • The shipment must not be empty.
  • All items in the shipment must be assigned to a single box, and the box should have a tracking number.
  • The shipment must be confirmed.

During the synchronization of shipments, the following information is exported to the Amazon seller account:

  • The shipment date
  • The items added to the box and their quantity
  • The carrier name
  • The carrier service method
  • The tracking number