Order Synchronization: Protection of Personal Data

Amazon requires that companies not store the customer's personal data related to sales orders imported from Amazon for more than 30 days after the order's creation. This data includes the ship-to address, bill-to address, ship-to contact, and bill-to contact in an imported order as well as its related shipment and invoice. To comply with this requirement, you can erase or pseudonymize personal data in sales orders imported from Amazon Seller Central as well as in related invoices and shipments (if applicable) by using the Protect Personal Data (BC601000) form.

To define the action to be performed on each selected document when the Process or Process All command is invoked, you select one of the following values in the Action box of the Selection area:

  • Pseudonymize: Replaces personally identifiable information with placeholders in the selected documents.
  • Erase: Permanently deletes personally identifiable information in the selected documents.
  • Restore: Restores previously pseudonymized data.

The table on the form displays the following documents:

  • Completed and canceled sales orders that belong to the order type for which the Protect Personal Data check box is selected on the Order Types (SO201000) form
  • Sales invoices that have been created for such sales orders
Shipments are not displayed in the table, but they will be processed along with the related sales orders.

You can narrow down the list of documents to be displayed in the table by specifying the following settings of the Selection area:

  • Entity: The type of documents, which can be Sales Order or Invoice.
  • Document Date Within x Days: The maximum age (in days) of documents to be displayed in the table. By default, 30 is specified in this box.
We recommend setting up an automation schedule to erase or pseudonymize personal data in imported sales orders and related documents regularly.