Record Validation for Duplicates: Mass-Validation of Records

MYOB Acumatica provides the ability to mass-validate groups of leads, contacts, and business accounts for duplicates.

To mass-validate these records, you use the Validate Records (CR503430) form. On this form, you can select for validation either all records or only records with Not Validated selected in the Duplicate box of the record creation form.

Validating all the records in the system may be a time-consuming process if you are validating a very large number of records. You can speed duplicate validation by using parallel processing. For details, see Duplicate Validation: Implementation Checklist.

If you are validating all records, once you click Process All on the form toolbar, the system starts the processing of the records by first inserting Not Validated in the Duplicate box of one of the following:

  • The Summary area of the Leads (CR301000) form for a lead
  • The Summary area of the Contacts (CR302000) form for a contact
  • The CRM Info tab of the Business Accounts (CR303000) form for a business account

The system then validates each of the records and inserts either Validated or Possible Duplicate in the Duplicate box for the record.

We recommend that you not interrupt the duplicate validation process. If you do, you will not be able to resume it; each time you click Process All, the processing starts anew for all listed records.