Edit Project Items

You use the Edit Project Items page to edit and review the items of a customization project.

You open the page by clicking File > Edit Project Items on the main menu of the Customization Project Editor.

Page Toolbar

The page toolbar includes standard and page-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Page Toolbar. The page-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Get Package

Imports the contents of the customization project as a ZIP file.


This table contains the list of all items added to the customization project and the basic settings of each item. The columns of the table are described below.

Column Description
Object Name

The ID of the item.


The type of the item.

This column can have the following values:

  • Automation
  • BpEvent
  • Code
  • Dashboard
  • EntityEndpoint
  • File
  • GenericInquiryScreen
  • Locale
  • MobileSiteMap
  • MobileSiteMapWorkspaces
  • OAuthClient
  • Page
  • PushNotification
  • ReportDefinition
  • Report
  • ScreenWithRights
  • SharedFilter
  • SiteMapNode
  • Sql
  • Table
  • Webhook
  • WikiArticle
  • XportScenario

The description of the item.

Created By

The name of the user who added the item to the customization project.

Creation Date

The date when the item has been added to the customization project.

Last Modified By

The name of the user who last modified the item in the customization project.

Last Modified On

The date when the item was last modified in the customization project.

Source Pane

You use the Source pane of this page to view and edit the contents of the item selected in the table.