
Page ID: (AU201050)

For a particular screen (that is, a form in MYOB Acumatica), you use this page to add a new action, modify an action in a predefined workflow, or modify an action defined in a graph.

The table on the page displays actions added in the predefined workflow and actions added in previous versions of MYOB Acumatica.

You open the Actions page by clicking Actions under the screen ID (of the form for which you are adding or modifying actions) in the navigation pane of the Customization Project Editor. In the name that appears on the page, Actions is preceded by the form ID and then the form name in parentheses.

Page Toolbar and More Menu

The page toolbar includes standard buttons and page-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Page Toolbar. The page-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the page toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description
Add Existing Action

Opens the Action Properties dialog box, in which you can select an existing action, modify its properties (if needed), and then add this action to the workflow.

Create New Action

Opens the Action Properties dialog box, where you can specify the settings of a new action.

This is a standard toolbar button that you use to add a new record on most pages.
Delete Row

Deletes the action selected in the table. You click the row with the action before you click this button.

Manage Categories

Opens the Manage Categories dialog box. In this dialog box, you can reorder the categories on the More menu of the MYOB Acumatica form (that is, the screen) whose actions you are viewing, change the names of existing categories, and add new categories.

Reorder Actions

Opens the Reorder Actions dialog box, where you can reorder the actions located on the form toolbar of the MYOB Acumatica form (that is, the screen for which you have opened the Actions page), or in a selected category of the More menu of this form.

Reverse Change

Opens the Reverse Change dialog box, in which you can click OK to return all actions to their predefined state.

View Changes

Opens the Changes dialog box, where you can view the description of an action in JSON format. If any changes have been applied to a predefined action, they are highlighted in the dialog box. You can return the action to its predefined state by clicking Reverse Change in the Changes dialog box.

The View Changes command is available only if the action is inherited—that is, based on a predefined action.

Action Properties Dialog Box

This dialog box opens when you click Create New Action on the page toolbar or Add Existing Action on the More menu, or when you click the link with the action name in the table on the page.

Table 1. Action Properties Dialog Box: Summary AreaThe Summary area of this dialog box has the following elements.
Element Description
Action Name

The internal name of the action.

This box is read-only if you have opened the dialog box by clicking the link with the action name in the table on the page.

Display Name

The name of the action that will be displayed on the MYOB Acumatica form that corresponds to the screen.


An indicator of when the action is disabled.

By default, the box is empty, indicating that the action is always enabled. If the box is not empty, it can contain one of the following:

  • True: The action is always disabled.
  • Condition: The condition that, if it is met, causes the action to be disabled. If any conditions are specified on the Conditions page for the screen of this action, they are available for selection in this box.

If the action is used in a workflow and its availability depends on the state of the applicable entity, you need to specify this property in this state.

This box does not appear in the dialog box if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel type.


An indicator of when the action is hidden.

By default, the box is empty, indicating that the action is always visible. If the box is not empty, it can contain one of the following:

  • True: The action is always hidden.
  • Condition: The condition that, if it is met, causes the action to be hidden. If any conditions are specified on the Conditions page for the screen of this action, they are available for selection in this box.

If the action is used in a workflow and its visibility depends on the state of the applicable entity, you need to specify this property in this state.

This box does not appear in the dialog box if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel type.

Dialog Box

The dialog box that will be displayed when the action is clicked on the form, if applicable. For details, see Dialog Boxes.

This box does not appear in the dialog box if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel type.


The icon that will be displayed for the action on the side panel.

This box appears only if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel type.

Processing Screen

The screen ID of the processing form of MYOB Acumatica on which the action will be an option in the Action box, in addition to being available on the form for which the action is defined.

This box does not appear in the dialog box if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel type.

On a mass-processing form, if you add to a schedule a workflow action that invokes a dialog box in which a user should enter some additional information, then for automated processing, the system uses the default values of this dialog box.

For details on how to schedule mass processing, see Scheduling Automated Processing.

Batch Mode

A check box that (if selected) indicates that the records will be mass-processed on the MYOB Acumatica form specified in the Processing Screen box.

This check box does not appear in the dialog box if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel type.

Action Type

The type of the action.

You can select one of the following options:

  • Run Report: The action runs the report whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box.
  • Navigation: Search Records: The action redirects the user to the form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box and on which the user can search for records (such as an inquiry or a generic inquiry).
  • Navigation: Create Record: The action redirects the user to the data entry form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box and on which the user can create a record.
  • Navigation: Side Panel: The action opens as a side panel the form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box. With this option selected, you can specify a form of any of the following types as the destination: dashboard, report, or generic inquiry.
  • Workflow: The action changes the state of an entity as a part of a workflow.
  • Graph Action: Read-only. The action that is defined in a graph. This option is not available for selection when you are creating an action.

This box is read-only if you have opened the dialog box by clicking the link with the action name in the table on the page.


The category of the More menu in which the menu command associated with the action will be displayed on the form. The list of categories available for selection depends on the form. To manage the categories, you click Manage Categories on the page toolbar.

This box does not appear in the dialog box if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel type.

Destination Screen

Required. The screen or report that will be opened when the action redirects a user to a different screen.

This box does not appear in the dialog box if the action has the Workflow or Graph Action type.

Depending on the type of the action, you can specify the screen ID as follows:

  • For the Run Report type: The screen ID of the report that you want to run and to which you want to redirect the user, such as Sales Order Summary (SO610500).
  • For the Navigation: Search Records type: The screen ID of the form to which you want to redirect the user; this is a form where a user can search for records, such as an inquiry or a generic inquiry. For example, you might specify this action type with the screen ID SO3010PL, which is the ID of the list of records for the Sales Orders entry form.
  • For the Navigation: Create Record type: The screen ID of the form to which you want to redirect the user; this is a form on which a user can create a new record. For example, you might specify SO301000 as the screen ID; it is the ID of the Sales Orders (SO301000) data entry form.
  • For the Navigation: Side Panel type: The screen ID of the form that will be opened in a side panel when a user clicks the action. You can specify the following types of forms: dashboards, reports, and generic inquiries. For example, you might specify AR3030PL as the screen ID; it is the ID of the Customers (AR3030PL) list of records.
Window Mode

An option that indicates whether the results of the action will be displayed on the same tab, on a new tab, or in a pop-up window.

This box does not appear in the dialog box if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel, Workflow, or Graph Action type.

Rights to Enable Action

The minimum level of access rights that a user must have for the action to be enabled on the form. The access rights of user roles are specified on the Access Rights by Screen (SM201020) form.

If the action has the Workflow type, this option is set to Update by default. This means that for the action to be available on the form, a user must have the Edit access rights for the form. If the action has the Navigation: Search Records, Navigation: Create Record, or Run Report type, this option is set to Select by default. This means that a user must have View Only access rights (or a more permissible level) for the action to be available on the form.

This box does not appear in the dialog box if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel type.

Rights to View Action

The minimum level of access rights that a user must have for the action to be visible on the form.

This box does not appear in the dialog box if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel type.

Expose to Mobile

A check box that (if selected) indicates that the action will be available on the corresponding mobile screen. The check box is cleared by default. To expose this action on the mobile screen, you need to select this check box.

This box does not appear in the dialog box if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel type.

Display on Toolbar

The way the action is displayed on the form toolbar and under a category on the More menu. One of the following options can be selected:

  • Hide: The action will not be displayed on the form toolbar but will be displayed under a category on the More menu if a category is specified for it. However, if you select the Duplicate on Toolbar check box for this action in a workflow state, the action will be displayed on the form toolbar when the record is in this state.
  • If Available: The action will be displayed as a button on the form toolbar and under a category on the More menu if the action is available for a record based on its state and if a category is specified for it. If the action is available but no category is specified, the action will be displayed on the form toolbar and under the Other category. If the action is not available or a record based on its state, it will not be displayed on the form toolbar and the More menu.
  • Always: The action will be displayed as a button on the form toolbar and under a category on the More menu even if the action is unavailable for the record based on its state.
  • As Configured in Graph: The action will be displayed according to the properties of the PXButton attribute of the action.
This box does not appear in the dialog box if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel type.

A color notation that gives users additional information. For example, you can use connotations to indicate to users which action in the entity processing workflow is the one most likely to be taken (given the state of the entity), which actions require special consideration, and which actions provide links to additional information, such as reports.

On the More menu, the connotation is displayed as a dot of the selected color (see the list below) after the associated menu command. If the action is also displayed on the form toolbar, it is highlighted in the selected color.

The possible values and corresponding colors are as follows:

  • Primary: The primary color of the site theme
  • Secondary: The secondary color of the site theme
  • Success: Green
  • Danger: Red
  • Warning: Yellow
  • Info: Blue
  • Light: Light gray
  • Dark: Dark gray

This box does not appear in the dialog box if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel type.

Table 2. Action Properties Dialog Box: Navigation Parameters Tab

On this tab, you specify the navigation parameters for the action. These parameters depend on the type of action and are the following:

  • For an action of the Run Report type: The parameters of the report
  • For an action of the Navigation: Search Records type: The parameters by which the records are filtered
  • For an action of the Navigation: Create Records type: The values for the fields of the new record
  • For an action of the Navigation: Side Panel type: The parameters that will be passed to the side panel

The tab is not shown in the dialog box if the action has the Graph Action type.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

The columns of the table are described below.

Column Description

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the parameter in this row is active.

Parameter Name

The name of the parameter.


The value of the parameter.

From Schema

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the parameter value from the database should be used.

Table 3. Action Properties Dialog Box: Field Update Tab

This tab contains a table with the fields whose properties should be modified when the action is performed.

The tab is not available if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel type.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

The columns of the table are described below.

Column Description

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the field should be updated.


The name of the field that should be updated.

From Schema

A check box that indicates (if selected) that field value from the database should be used.

New Value

The new value for the field.


The status of the field update.

Table 4. Action Properties Dialog Box: Action Parameters Tab

On this tab, you specify the action parameters that should be applied to the action method.

The tab is available only if the action has the Graph Action type.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

The columns of the table are described below.

Column Description

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the parameter in this row is active.

Parameter Name

The name of the action parameter.

From Schema

A check box that indicates (if selected) that parameter value from the database should be used.


The value of the action parameter.


The status of the parameter.

Table 5. Action Properties Dialog Box: Action Executed on Success Tab

On this tab, you specify the subscriber actions—that is, the actions that the system should execute if the action is executed successfully.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

The columns of the table are described below.

Column Description

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the subscriber action in this row is active.

Action Name

The name of the subscriber action.

The lookup table contains all actions except those with the Side Panel type

Action Type

Read-only. The type of the subscriber action, which can be one of the following:

  • Run Report: The action runs the report whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box.
  • Navigation: Search Records: The action redirects the user to the form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box and on which the user can search for records (such as an inquiry or a generic inquiry).
  • Navigation: Create Record: The action redirects the user to the data entry form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box and on which the user can create a record.
  • Navigation: Side Panel: The action opens as a side panel the form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box You can specify the following types of forms: dashboards, reports, and generic inquiries.
  • Workflow: The action changes the state of an entity as a part of a workflow.
  • Graph Action: Read-only. The action that is defined in a graph. This option is not available for selection when you are creating an action.
Execution Condition

The condition that (if fulfilled) makes the system execute the subscriber.

The default value of this column is True, which indicates that the system always executes the subscriber. You can select another condition, if needed.

Dialog Box

Read-only. The dialog box that is specified for the action in the workflow. When the system executes the action, the system does not display this dialog box to the user; instead, the system uses the dialog box values specified on the Dialog Boxes page.

The name of the dialog box is a link that you can click to open the Dialog Box Values dialog box.

Stop on Error

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will not execute the subsequent subscriber actions if the current subscriber (the subscriber in this row) has failed.


Read-only. The status of the subscriber action, which can be one of the following:

  • New: A subscriber action that you have added
  • Modified: A system subscriber action that you have modified
  • Inherited: A system subscriber action
Table 6. Action Properties Dialog Box: Triggering Actions Tab

On this tab, you can view and add triggering actions—that is, actions that trigger the execution of the action.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

The columns of the table are described below.

Column Description

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the triggering action in this row is active.

Action Name

The name of the triggering action. The lookup table contains all actions except those with the Side Panel type.

This box is filled in automatically if you have added the action as a subscriber.

Action Type

Read-only. The type of the triggering action, which can be one of the following:

  • Run Report: The action runs the report whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box.
  • Navigation: Search Records: The action redirects the user to the form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box and on which the user can search for records (such as an inquiry or a generic inquiry).
  • Navigation: Create Record: The action redirects the user to the data entry form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box and on which the user can create a record.
  • Navigation: Side Panel: The action opens as a side panel the form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box You can specify the following types of forms: dashboards, reports, and generic inquiries.
  • Workflow: The action changes the state of an entity as a part of a workflow.
  • Graph Action: Read-only. The action that is defined in a graph. This option is not available for selection when you are creating an action.
Execution Condition

The condition that (if fulfilled) makes the system execute the current action.

The default value of this column is True, which indicates that the system always executes the current action. You can select another condition, if needed.

Dialog Box

Read-only. The dialog box that is specified for the current action in the workflow. When the system executes the action, the system does not display this dialog box to the user; instead, the system uses the dialog box values specified on the Dialog Boxes page.

The name of the dialog box is a link that you can click to open the Dialog Box Values dialog box.

Stop on Error

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will stop the execution of subsequent actions if the current action (the one in this row) fails.


Read-only. The status of the triggering action, which can be one of the following:

  • New: A triggering action that you have added
  • Modified: A system triggering action that you have modified
  • Inherited: A system triggering action
Table 7. Action Properties Dialog Box: ButtonsThe dialog box includes the following buttons.
Button Description

Closes the dialog box and applies the changes.


Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Manage Categories Dialog Box

This dialog box opens when you click Manage Categories on the page toolbar. In this dialog box, you can change the order of the existing categories on the More menu of the form you are modifying. If needed, you can also add new categories.

Element Description

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Add Category

Opens the New Category dialog box, where you can add a new category.

Move Up

Moves the selected row up, which causes the selected category to be moved up on the More menu. You click the row you want to move before clicking this button.

Move Down

Moves the row down, which causes the selected category to be moved down on the More menu. You click the row you want to move before clicking this button.

The table contains the following columns.
Category Name

The internal name of the category.

Display Name

The name of the category that will be displayed on the More menu of the form.

This dialog box has the following buttons.

Closes the dialog box and applies the changes.


Closes the dialog box without saving any changes.

New Category Dialog Box

This dialog box opens when you click Add Category on the table toolbar of the Manage Categories dialog box. In the dialog box, you can add a new category to the More menu of the form whose actions you are modifying.

Element Description
The dialog box has the following elements.
Category Name

The internal name of the category.

Display Name

The name of the category that will be displayed on the More menu of the form.

This dialog box has the following buttons.

Closes the dialog box and applies the changes.


Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Reorder Actions Dialog Box

This dialog box opens when you click Reorder Actions on the More menu. In the dialog box, you can change the position of the action in the category of the More menu where it is listed.

Element Description
The Summary area contains the following element.

The list of categories on the More menu in which the menu command associated with the action is displayed.

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Move Up

Moves up the row, which causes the selected action to be moved up in the category of the More menu.

Move Down

Moves down the row, which causes the selected action to be moved down in the category of the More menu.

The table contains the following elements.
Action Name

The internal name of the action.

Display Name

The name of the action that will be displayed on the applicable MYOB Acumatica form.

Action Type

The type of the action, which is one of the following:

  • Run Report: The action runs the report whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box.
  • Navigation: Search Records: The action redirects the user to the form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box and on which the user can search for records (such as an inquiry or a generic inquiry).
  • Navigation: Create Record: The action redirects the user to the data entry form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box and on which the user can create a record.
  • Navigation: Side Panel: The action opens as a side panel the form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box You can specify the following types of forms: dashboards, reports, and generic inquiries.
  • Workflow: The action changes the state of an entity as a part of a workflow.
  • Graph Action: Read-only. The action that is defined in a graph. This option is not available for selection when you are creating an action.
This dialog box has the following buttons.

Closes the dialog box and applies the changes.


Closes the dialog box without applying any changes.

Changes Dialog Box

You use this dialog box to view the source code of the action; the changes are highlighted in red. The dialog box also contains the following buttons.

Button Description
Reverse Change Returns the action to its predefined state.
Close Closes the dialog box.


This table contains the list of actions and the basic settings of each of them. When you click the link in the Action Name column, the Action Properties dialog box is opened. The columns of the table are described below.

Table 8. Table Columns
Column Description
Action Name

The internal name of the action. When you click the name, the Action Properties dialog box is opened, which shows the properties of the selected action.

Display Name

The name of the action that will be displayed on the applicable MYOB Acumatica form.

Action Type

The type of the action.

This column can contain one of the following options:

  • Run Report: The action runs the report whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box.
  • Navigation: Search Records: The action redirects the user to the form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box and on which the user can search for records (such as an inquiry or a generic inquiry).
  • Navigation: Create Record: The action redirects the user to the data entry form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box and on which the user can create a record.
  • Navigation: Side Panel: The action opens as a side panel the form whose ID is specified in the Destination Screen box. If this option is selected, you can specify a form of any of the following types as the destination: dashboard, report, or generic inquiry.
  • Workflow: The action changes the state of an entity as a part of a workflow.
  • Graph Action: Read-only. The action that is defined in a graph. This option is not available for selection when you create an action.

An indicator of when the action is disabled.

By default, the column is empty, indicating that the action is always enabled. If the column is not empty, it can contain one of the following:

  • True: The action is always disabled.
  • Condition: The condition that, if it is met, causes the action to be disabled. If any conditions are specified on the Conditions page for the screen that contains this action, they are available for selection in this column.

An indicator of when the action is hidden.

By default, the column is empty, indicating that the action is always visible. If the column is not empty, it can contain one of the following:

  • True: The action is always hidden.
  • Condition: The condition that, if it is met, causes the action to be hidden. If any conditions are specified on the Conditions page for the screen that contains this action, they are available for selection in this column.
Dialog Box

The dialog box that will be displayed when the action is clicked on the form, if applicable. For details, see Dialog Boxes.

Processing Screen

The processing form of MYOB Acumatica on which the action will be an option in the Action box, in addition to being available on the form for which the action is defined.

On a mass-processing form, if you add to a schedule a workflow action that invokes a dialog box in which a user should enter some additional information, then for automated processing, the system uses the default values of this dialog box.

The category of the More menu in which the menu command associated with the action will be displayed on the form.

This column is not populated if the action has the Navigation: Side Panel type.


The status of the action.

The status of the action can be one of the following:

  • Inherited: A system action
  • New: An action that you have created
  • Modified: A system action that you have modified