Predefined Size Values

You can use the predefined values described in the table below for the following properties:

  • ColumnWidth, LabelsWidth, and ControlSize of the PXLayoutRule component
  • LabelsWidth and Size of a control

Predefined Values

The following table shows the values in pixels that correspond to the predefined constants.
Predefined Value ColumnWidth LabelsWidth and ControlSize of a Layout Rule; LabelsWidth and Size Properties of a Control
XXS 100px 40px
XS 150px 70px
S 200px 100px
SM - 150px
M 250px 200px
XM 300px 250px
L 350px 300px
XL 400px 350px
XXL 450px 400px

Setting of Predefined Values

Note the following points about setting the predefined sizes of controls and their labels:
  • For any property for which there are predefined values, you can specify a value in pixels, such as 55px. (This format is mandatory if you don't use abbreviations, because the property value can be defined only in pixels.)
  • There is no predefined value for the Width property of a control. Therefore, you can specify a value for this property by typing any value in pixels, such as 55px. Before specifying the Width property value for a control, you must define the Size property value for the control as Empty.
    Note: The Width property is declared in ASP.NET. The Size property is declared in MYOB Advanced Framework, so you can use the predefined values.