
The following table contains definitions of the basic terms used in MYOB Acumatica Framework.

Term Definition
Action An interface for executing a specific operation with data that is implemented in a graph. An action is represented by the corresponding button on the user interface.
MYOB Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform The platform for the development of cloud ERP applications (such as MYOB Acumatica and customizations of it), the mobile application for MYOB Acumatica, and applications integrated with MYOB Acumatica by means of the web services API.
MYOB Acumatica Customization Platform The part of the MYOB Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform that provides customization tools for the development of applications embedded in MYOB Acumatica (also called customizations of MYOB Acumatica).
MYOB Acumatica Framework The part of the MYOB Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform that provides the platform API and web controls for building ERP applications.
MYOB Acumatica Framework-based application An application created by means of MYOB Acumatica Framework tools.
Analytical report A report created with the Analytical Report Manager. For details on this tool, see Analytical Report Manager.
Bound field A data field that represents a column from a database table. Compare to Unbound field.
BQL statement A generic BQL class specialization that represents a specific query to the database. The type parameters specified in the BQL statement are BQL operator classes and DACs.
Business logic controller (BLC) See Graph.
Business query language (BQL) A set of generic classes for querying data records from the database.
Cache A collection of modified data records from the same table stored in the user session and shared between requests.
Custom report A report created on the custom report form.
Customization of MYOB Acumatica A modification of the user interface, business logic, and the database scheme without recompilation and reinstallation of MYOB Acumatica. This modification is packed in a customization project.
Customization project A container that holds the changes you have made during a particular customization of MYOB Acumatica.
DAC field See Field.
Data access class (DAC) A class that represents a database table.
Data entry form A form that is used for the input of business documents.
Data member A data view specified as the data source for a container of UI controls (a form, a tab, or a grid).
Data record A specific record retrieved from the database or created in code and wrapped in a DAC instance.
Data view A BQL statement that the graph uses to access and manipulate data. A developer defines a data view in code by using PXSelect classes.
Datasource control A service control on an ASPX page that is used to bind the ASPX page to a particular graph. This control represents the form toolbar, which contains action buttons.
Embedded application See Customization of MYOB Acumatica.
Event A way to provide notifications from MYOB Acumatica Framework to the application. Most business logic is implemented in event handlers.
Event handler A method that is invoked by MYOB Acumatica Framework when the corresponding event is raised.
Field (DAC field) A part of the DAC definition that typically represents a database column. A DAC field consists of an abstract class that is used to refer to the field in BQL and a property holding the actual field value.
Form An application page that provides the UI and business logic of the application. Each form used in the application consists of a declarative ASPX page and the business logic defined for this form in the corresponding graph.
Graph A stateless controller class that is intended for the execution of business logic on a particular application form. A graph (also called a business logic controller) is derived from the PXGraph generic class.
Inquiry form A form that displays a list of data records selected by the specified filter.
Integrated application A third-party application integrated with MYOB Acumatica by means of web services API.
Maintenance form A helper form that is used for the input of data on the data entry and processing forms.

Mobile API

The API that is used for customization of the MYOB mobile application. For a description of the API, see Mobile Site Map Reference.
Multitenant application An application in which multiple tenants use the same MYOB Acumatica Framework-based application. For each tenant, the website looks identical and provides the same business logic. However, each tenant has exclusive access to the tenant's individual data and can have restricted access to the data of other tenants.
Platform API The API that is used to develop MYOB Acumatica Framework-based applications and customizations of MYOB Acumatica.
Primary graph The graph that corresponds to the default editing form of the data record. This graph is specified in the PXPrimaryGraph attribute.
Primary DAC The first data access class specified in a BQL statement.
Primary data view The first data view defined in a business logic controller.
Processing form A form that provides mass processing operations.
Report Designer A visual editor for creating report forms and printable pages.
Report form An RPX page created in Report Designer that defines the form used for generating reports in the application.
Screen See Form.
Setup form A form that provides the configuration parameters for the application.
Unbound field A data field that exists only on the model level in a DAC definition, and that is not bound to a column of the database table. Compare to Bound field.
Webpage See Form.
Web services API The API for development of applications integrated with MYOB Acumatica through SOAP or REST.