Use of the ColumnSpan Property of PXLayoutRule

You specify the ColumnSpan property value for a PXLayoutRule component by manually typing the number of columns spanned by the first control placed below the rule.


As an example of the use of the ColumnSpan property, the form container on the Customers (AR303000) form has three columns of boxes, and there is a layout rule with the ColumnSpan property set to 2 in the first column. This property forces the system to make the box span two columns, as shown in the following screenshot.
Figure 1. The box that spans two columns on the form


A PXLayoutRule component with the ColumnSpan property value specified is handled as follows:
  • The LabelsWidth property value is always inherited from the previously declared PXLayoutRule component that has the StartRow or StartColumn property value set to True.
  • If a value for the ColumnWidth or ControlSize property is specified for the component, this value is ignored.