To Delete a Dashboard from a Project

To remove a Dashboard item from a project, perform the following actions:

  1. Open the customization project in the Customization Project Editor. (See To Open a Project for details.)
  2. Click Dashboards in the navigation pane to open the Dashboards page.
  3. In the page table, click the item to be deleted.
  4. On the page toolbar, click Delete Row (X).
  5. On the page toolbar, click Save to save the changes to the customization project.

If you delete a Dashboard item from the project, the dashboard remains in the system unless you delete the dashboard by using the Dashboards (SM208600) form.

If a site map node or a generic inquiry was added for a custom dashboard to the project (manually or automatically), and you removed the dashboard from the project, you should delete the appropriate Site Map, Generic Inquiry, or Wiki item manually. (See To Delete a Site Map Node from a Project for details.)