MYOB Exo Business

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Non Account Details

The tabs on the Non Account Details window are:


This tab contains contact and sales information for the Non Account:




Enter the name of the account as it appears throughout the Exo Business.


This option indicates whether the account is active or inactive. If inactive, the account is hidden from search views.


Enter a contact phone number for the account.


Enter a fax number for the account.


Enter an email address for the account.


Enter the account's website address.

Postal Address

Enter the postal address of the account.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code if it is known, or select the postal code from a lookup window by clicking the [...] button.

Delivery Address

Enter the delivery address of the account. Click the small button next to the delivery address to retrieve geolocation details (latitude and longitude) that match the address entered here. An icon on the button displays the status of the match:

  • - Exo Business hasn't attempted to retrieve details yet.

  • - details successfully retrieved. Clicking the button again opens your default browser, showing the location on a map. shift+clicking the button retrieves location details again.

  • - an error occurred when attempting to retrieve details. Hovering the mouse over the button displays a popup message indicating why the attempt failed.


A descriptive classification of the account. Select the type of account that the Non Account is, or select Edit List... to create a type.

Account Template

Select the Debtor account to use as a template for the Non Account. Any pricing rules used by the template account are applied when generating quotes for the Non Account— for example, for an Opportunity when using Exo Business CRM.

Note: Debtor accounts can be marked as templates by selecting the Account Template flag on the Details 1 tab of the Debtor Account Details window.

Base Price

The base price to assigned to this Non Account. This is determined by the Account Template. For example, you might have set up a base price called Trade and another called Internet.

Sales Person

Select a staff salesperson to assign to this Non Account. This is optional. Transactions against this account are logged against this staff member.

Contact Person

The default contact for the Non Account. Contacts are set up on the Contacts tab for the account.

Initially, this field is empty. After you create the Non Account and add Contacts for it, you can specify one of them as the default.

Campaign Wave

This field is enabled if the Exo Business CRM module is installed.

If the Non Account is associated with a campaign wave — for example, if it came about as a result of a campaign — enter the wave in this field.



To view social media account information for the Non Account, enter their user names or IDs here.

Note: The LinkedIn ID must be a numerical ID, not a user name. The Facebook ID can be a numerical ID or a Facebook user name, if one has been set up.

Extra Fields

If you have defined Extra Fields for Non Accounts, fields in positions 1 to 3 display in this area. Others display on the Extra Fields tab.


Enter extra information about the account.

Extra Fields

If you defined Extra Fields for Non Accounts, fields in positions 4 and later appear on this tab.


This tab lists all Contacts associated with the Non Account. Select these options from the Actions menu to add and edit Contacts:

  • New Contact: Create a Contact and associate it with the Non Account.

  • Associate a New Contact: Select a Contact to associate with the Non Account.

  • Set as Default Contact: Set the Contact as the default Contact for the Non Account. This Contact appears as the Contact Person on the Details tab.

  • Remove Contact Association: Remove the Contact from the Contacts tab. This does not delete the Contact from Exo Business.

History Notes

This tab works in the same way as the History Notes tab for Debtors.


This tab only displays when functions from the Exo Business CRM module have been added to the Exo Business core. It lists all Opportunities associated with the Non Account.


Use this tab to associate activities with the Non Account.


Use this tab to specify relationships for the Non Account.


Use this tab to attach documents relating to the Non Account.


Use this tab to view information about the Non Account from various social media services.

Related Topics

Non Accounts