MYOB Exo Business

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You can set up activities in Exo Business to provide reminders and progress indicators for important events. An activity can be:

  • A Task, which is a to-do item that you must complete in a specified time frame.

  • An Appointment, which is an event scheduled for a specific time.

You can access activities from:

  • The Activities tabs in the maintenance screens for Contacts, Debtors, Creditors, Non Accounts, and Sales Orders.

  • The Activity Search widget, which you can add to the Exo Business business flow menu.

  • The Exo Business CRM module.

When using the Exo Business CRM module, activities can be synchronised with Microsoft Outlook. Tasks are converted to Outlook Tasks and Appointments are converted to Outlook Appointments.

Creating an Activity

Click the New Activity ( ) toolbar button to create a activity. Or, right click the Activity Search widget's calendar in the time slot in which to create the activity.

The Activity Window

Note: If Extra Fields have been set up for Activities, the Extra Fields tab is enabled in this window.

Complete these fields.



Activity Type

Select whether the activity is a Task or an Appointment.


This is a user-definable classification for the activity. Select a type from the list, or click Edit List... to create a type.

Send Email

Select this option to send an email to all staff members assigned to the task whenever the task is saved. The email is sent to all staff members selected in the Assigned To dropdown.

Sync with Outlook

Select this option to synchronise the activity with Outlook whenever a sync is performed.


Enter a brief description of the activity and its purpose.


You can optionally assign an activity to a Company and/or Contact. If you assign the activity to a company or contact, it displays on the Activities tab of that company on the Debtor, Creditor, Non Account, or Contact screen.

Note: When entering the Company name, use the search option by typing ? and pressing TAB.

Job Code

This field is only available when the Exo Job Costing module is licensed. If the activity was created from a job, that job displays here. You can optionally specify a job to associate with the activity.


If the activity was created from a Sales Order, that order displays here. You can optionally specify a Sales Order to associate with the activity.


This field is only available when the Exo Business CRM module is licensed. If the activity was created from an Opportunity, that Opportunity displays here. You can optionally specify an Opportunity to associate with the activity.


If the activity is associated with an asset from the Exo Fixed Assets module, the asset displays here. You can optionally specify an asset to associate with the activity.

Serviceable Unit

If the activity was created from a serviceable unit, the unit displays here. You can associate the activity with a unit here.

Campaign Wave

If the Exo Business CRM module is installed, you can associate activities with a campaign wave.

Note: When creating an activity from the Details tab of the Campaigns window, the activity is associated with the first wave of that campaign. When creating an activity from the Waves tab, the activity is associated with the selected campaign wave.


Enter a label for the activity. This affects how it displays in calendars.


A priority (Low, Normal or High) for the activity. Low and High priority tasks are indicated with an icon in calendar.


The Status setting has predefined list entries. You can add to or edit them by selecting the Edit List... option.

For Tasks, clicking the Mark Complete toolbar button updates this property to Completed.

Assigned To
Assigned By

The Exo Business Staff members that the activity was assigned to and by.

% Complete

This property applies to Tasks only. Enter the percentage completion by entering a number or using the arrow controls.

Clicking the Mark Complete toolbar button updates this property to 100%.

Start Time
End Time

The start and end time for the activity.

All day event

If this is selected, the selections for the time of day disappear as they are no longer valid.


If you select this checkbox, Exo Business pops up a reminder after adding a reminder icon. You can enable or disable reminders by selecting the Enable Reminders option on the Tools menu of the Activity Search window or the Dashboard widget.

Show time as

This property applies to Appointments only. Select how to display the time for this activity on the Task Scheduler:

  • Free

  • Tentative

  • Busy

  • Out of Office

Note: The relationship between the Status and % Complete properties is automatically maintained. For example, setting Status to Completed updates the % Complete value to 100.

Once all properties are configured, click Save & Exit on the toolbar to save your changes and close the Activity window. Or, click Save & New to save changes to this Activity and reset all fields so that a new Activity can be added.

Activity Recurrence

Click the Recurrence button to set an activity as recurring and establish the frequency.

Configure the recurrence options and click OK to assign this to the new or edited task. If you are editing a task and no longer need this recurrence to continue, click Remove recurrence to remove this from the calendar.