Project Inventory Tracking: Generated Transactions

The following sections describe the GL transactions and project transactions that are generated when you process sales and purchases of items for a project.

GL Transactions Generated on Release of an Inventory Receipt

On release of a project-related purchase receipt with a stock item, the corresponding inventory receipt is created. When the inventory receipt is released, the system creates a batch of general ledger transaction.

The following table lists the general ledger transactions that are generated if the inventory account of the stock item is mapped to an account group.

Account Source of Account Project Project Task Debit Credit
Inventory account Posting class of the item Project in the inventory receipt line Project task in the inventory receipt line Received amount 0.00
PO accrual account Posting class of the item X (non-project code) Empty 0.00 Received amount

The following table lists the general ledger transactions that are generated if the inventory account of the stock item is not mapped to an account group.

Account Source of Account Project Debit Credit
Inventory account Posting class of the item X (non-project code) Received amount (quantity * item price) 0.00
PO accrual account Posting class of the item X (non-project code) 0.00 Received amount (quantity * item price)

On the Financial tab of the Receipts (IN301000) form, you can click the link in the Batch Nbr. box to view the details of the general ledger transaction on the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form.

Project Transaction Generated on Release of the Inventory Receipt

On release of the general ledger transaction described in the previous section (which was created on release of the inventory receipt with a project-related stock item), the system generates a project transaction that updates the project's actual amounts.

The following table lists the project transaction that is generated if the inventory account of the stock item is mapped to an account group.

Project Budget Key Account Group Debit Account Amount
Project, project task, inventory item, and cost code in the inventory receipt line Account group mapped to the Inventory account Inventory account of the item Received amount (quantity * item price)

You can review the created project transaction on the Project Transaction Details (PM401000) form. In the Selection area of this form, you select the project in the Project box.

Transactions Generated on Issue of a Project Stock Item

On release of an inventory issue with a stock item issued for a project, the system generates a batch of general ledger transactions.

The following table lists the general ledger transactions that are generated if the inventory account of the stock item is mapped to an account group.

Account Source of Account Project Project task Debit Credit
Inventory account Posting class of the item Project in the inventory receipt line Project task in the inventory receipt line 0.00 Issued amount (quantity * item cost)
Inventory AR accrual account Reason code in the inventory issue line X (non-project code) Empty Issued amount (quantity * item cost) 0.00

The following table lists the transactions that are generated if the inventory account of the stock item is not mapped to an account group.

Account Source of Account Debit Credit
Inventory account Posting class of the item X (non-project code) 0.00 Issued amount (quantity * item cost)
Inventory AR accrual account Reason code in the inventory issue line X (non-project code) Issued amount (quantity * item cost) 0.00

You can view the reference number of the GL batch in the Batch Nbr. box on the Financial tab of the Issues (IN302000) form. You can click the link in this box to view the details of the batch on the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form.

Project Transaction Generated on Release of the Inventory Issue

On release of the general ledger transaction described in the previous section (which was created on release of the inventory issue with a project-related stock item), the system generates a project transaction that updates the project's actual amounts.

The following table lists the project transaction that is generated if the inventory account of the stock item is mapped to an account group.

Project Budget Key Account Group Debit Account Amount
Project, project task, inventory item, and cost code in inventory issue line Account group mapped to the inventory account Inventory account of the item –(Amount)

You can review the created project transaction on the Project Transaction Details (PM401000) form. In the Selection area of this form, you select the project in the Project box.

If the inventory account is not mapped to an account group, no project transaction is generated.