Earning Type Codes

Form ID: (PR102000)

By using this form, you can do the following:

  • Define earning type codes, which are used to record hours and earnings information for employees
  • Specify the reporting type for the W2 report
  • Specify default projects and tasks for each earning type code (for compatibility with the project accounting functionality)
  • Specify whether an earning type is subject to various taxes
  • Specify whether an earning type is subject to WC code
  • Specify whether an earning type accrues time off

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

Element Description
Code The unique identifier of the earning type. The list of earning types may be modified by the user as needed. If an earning type has been defined on the Earning Types (EP102000) form, such types are available for selection. The following predefined options are available out of the box:
  • HL: Public Holidays
  • OT: Overtime
  • RG Regular Hours
  • VL: Vacations
Description The description of the earning type code.
Earning Type Category

The category to which an earning type belongs. The following options are available:

  • Wage: The earning type is to be processed as a normal earning. Earnings with this type will be available on the Compensation tab of the Employee Payroll Settings form. The regular hours on the Payroll Preferences form will display only earnings with this type.
  • Overtime: The earning type is to be processed as an overtime.

    With this option selected, the Regular Time Type Code box appears on the form and the Multiplier box becomes available for editing.

    The option is selected by default if the predefined Overtime code is selected in the Code box.

  • Piecework: The earning type is to be processed as a piecework. That is, if the earning type is selected in the record of the table on the Earning tab of the Paychecks and Adjustments (PR302000) form the Unit and Unit Type columns become available for the record and the system calculates earned amount by multiplying the rate by the number of units instead of hours.

    If an employee has been assigned a piecework earning type on the Employee Payroll Settings (PR203000 form) and you add such an employee to a payroll batch on the Payroll Batches (PR301000) form, you can specify the number of units and their type in the table of the Employee Earning Details dialog box.

    This type of earnings is not included in overtime calculation.

    The check box is available if the Enable Piecework as an Earning Type check box is selected on the Payroll Preferences (PR101000) form.

  • Amount Based: The earning type is based on amount. That is, if the earning type is selected in the record of the table on the Earning tab of the Paychecks and Adjustments (PR302000) form you will not be able to specify values in the Hours and Rate columns for the record.
  • Time Off: The earning type is to be processed as time off. Only earnings with this type will be available on the PTO Banks form for disbursing earning. The Holiday Earning Type for Quick Pay setting on the Payroll Preferences form will only display codes with this type.
Multiplier A numeric value that is multiplied by the employee's standard pay rate in order to determine the final pay rate.

By default, this value is set to 1. The box becomes available for editing if the Overtime option is selected in the Earning Type Category box.

Regular Time Type Code The earning type to be used for calculation of the overtime amount. That is, the system applies the multiplier specified for the overtime earning code to this earning type. The following predefined options are available:
  • HL: Public holidays
  • RG Regular hours
  • VL: Vacations

The box is displayed if the Overtime option is selected in the Earning Type Category box.

Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that this code is available for use.
Contributes to WCC Calculation A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system uses a WC code from employee's time activities or payroll settings when inserts an earning line in a paycheck or in a payroll batch.
Accrue Time Off A check box that indicates (if selected) that the hours linked with the code will be considered for PTO calculation.
Public Holiday

A check box that indicates (if selected) that earnings of this type are included in records of employment generated on the Record of Employment (PR303000) form for employees whose employment has been terminated.

This check box appears only if the Canadian Payroll feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and is available only for the earnings of the Time Off earning type category.

US Tax and Reporting Tab

This tab appears only if the US Payroll feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Table 1. Summary Area
Element Description
Wage Type The unique identifier of the wage type. The tax engine uses this value to determine the rate to apply to the earning code. The following predefined options are available:
  • Coronavirussick: This type is recommended for any pay that you or your tax adviser deem eligible because of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).
  • Overtime: This type is recommended for overtime pay.
  • Regular: This type is recommended for normal salary.
  • Supplemental: This type is recommended for bonuses or any pay that you or your tax adviser states need to pull in at a higher taxing bracket.
  • Tips: This type is recommended for tip earnings.
Tip: If the box is empty or displays a number, you need to open the Tax Maintenance (PR208000) form and click Update Taxes on the form toolbar to update tax definitions.
Reporting Type A code that determines whether this earning type will appear in Box 12 of the W- 2 report and which code it will use. See the IRS instructions for Form W-2 for more information.
Subject to Taxes The method to be used to determine the list of applicable taxes. The following options are available:
  • Per Tax Engine: The code is subject to taxes retrieved from the tax engine.
  • All: The code is subject to taxes retrieved from the Taxes tab of the Employee Payroll Settings (PR203000) form.
  • None: The code is not subject to any taxes.
  • All but Listed Below: The code is subject to taxes retrieved from the Taxes tab of the Employee Payroll Settings (PR203000) form with the exception of taxes specified in the table on the Subject to Taxes tab of the form.
  • None but Listed Below: The code is subject to taxes specified in the table on the Subject to Taxes tab of the form.
Table 2. Table Columns

This table is used to create the list of taxes that this earning type is subject to.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Tax Code The specific tax code to include.
Name The name of the selected tax code.

CAN Tax and Reporting Tab

This tab appears only if the Canadian Payroll feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form

Table 3. Summary Area
Element Description
Wage Type The unique identifier of the wage type. The tax engine uses this value to determine the rate to apply to the earning code.
Tip: If the box is empty or displays a number, you need to open the Tax Maintenance (PR208000) form and click Update Taxes on the form toolbar to update tax definitions.
Federal Reporting Type A code that determines whether this earning type will appear in the T4 report and which code it will use.
Quebec Reporting Type The reporting type specific to the province of Quebec.
Supplemental Income A check box that indicates (if selected) that earnings of this type are considered as supplemental income.
Table 4. Table Columns
Column Description
Tax Code The specific tax code applicable to earnings of this type.
Name The name of the tax code.
Taxability The applicability of the tax code to earnings of the type.

Project Settings Tab

The settings on this tab designate the default project and project task to use for project management purposes when this earning type is selected.

This tab is available only if the Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Element Description
Default Project Code The project to be used by default for activities with the selected earning type.
Default Project Task

The project task to be used by default for activities with the selected earning type and project.

If in the box above you select a project that has a default project task, this task is automatically populated in this box.

Billable A check box that indicates (if selected) that this is a billable earning type for project billing purposes.

GL Accounts Tab

The settings on this tab determine GL accounts to be used to record code related transactions.

Element Description
Earnings Account The expense account to be used by default to record the earnings.
Earnings Sub. The corresponding subaccount to be used with the earning account. The box is displayed if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Benefit Expense Account The expense account to be used by default to record the benefit expense linked with the earning.
Benefit Expense Sub The corresponding subaccount to be used with the benefit expense account. The box is displayed if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.
Tax Expense Account The expense account to be used by default to record the tax expenses linked with the earning.
Tax Expense Sub The corresponding subaccount to be used with the tax expense account. The box is displayed if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.