Record of Employment

Form ID: (PR303000)

By using this form, you can generate a record of employment, which is a document an employer must submit to the government authorities for each employee whose employment in the company has been terminated for some reason.

The employee's company or branch and the final paycheck associated with the employee are used as the sources of the data that the system inserts on this form.

You can delete a record of employment that has the Open or Exported status.

This form appears only if the Canadian Payroll feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description
Amend Creates an amendment for the submitted record of employment.
Export Exports the record of employment to an XML file and attaches it to the document.
Mark As Submitted Marks the record of employment as submitted after the document has been sent to the government authorities.
Reopen Reopens the generated record of employment.
Show Final Paycheck Opens the final paycheck associated with the record of employment on the Paychecks and Adjustments (PR302000) form.

Summary Area

In this area, you can review general information about the employee and their record of employment.

Element Description
Reference Nbr. (Block 1) The identifier of the record of employment.
Status The status of the document, which can be one of the following: Open, Exported, Submitted, Needs Amendment, or Amended.
Employee The identifier and the full name of the employee.
Amendment A check box that indicates (if selected) that the document is an amendment.
Reason for ROE (Block 16) The reason this record of employment has been issued.
Period Type (Block 6) The pay period frequency.
Comments (Block 18)

Comments to the record of employment.

If you are amending a paper record of employment, you can enter a relevant comment and include the serial number of the original paper record of employment.

Description The description of the record of employment.

Administrative Tab

On this tab, you can review general information about the employee's employer.

Element Description
Employer Name (Block 4) The name of the employee's company.
CRA Payroll Account Number (Block 5) The account number assigned to the employer to identify themselves when dealing with the Canada Revenue Agency.
Address Line 1 (Block 4) The first line of the company address.
Address Line 2 (Block 4) The second line of the company address.
City (Block 4) The city of the company address.
Country (Block 4) The country of the company address.
State (Block 4) The province of the company address.
Postal Code (Block 4) The postal code.

Period of Employment Tab

Information displayed on this tab determines the time period for which you need to report the employee’s insurable hours and earnings.

Table 1.
Element Description
First Day Worked (Block 10) The first day of the employee's employment.
Last Day for Which Paid (Block 11) The termination date of the employee's employment.
Final Pay Period Ending Date (Block 12) The ending date of the employee's final pay period.

Separation Payments Tab

This tab displays information about the earnings paid to the employee due to separation.

Table 2. Summary Area
Element Description
Vacation Pay (Block 17A) The earnings amount associated with paid time off.
Table 3. Statutory Holidays Paid For (Block 17B) TableIn this table, the system lists the earnings included in the final paycheck and for which the Public Holiday check box is selected on the Earning Type Codes (PR102000) form.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Date The date of the earnings transaction.
Amount The earnings amount.
Table 4. Other Monies (Block 17B) TableIn this table, the system lists the earnings of the Amount-Based category that are included in the final paycheck.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Earning Code The applicable earning code of the Amount-Based category.
Description The description of the earning code.
Amount The earnings amount.

Insurable Hours Tab

This tab displays information about the employee's insurable earnings.

Table 5. Insurable Earnings by Pay Period (Block 15C) TableThis table lists the amounts of insurable earnings and the number of insurable hours by pay period.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Pay Period ID The identifier of the pay period when insurable earnings were earned.
Insurable Earnings The amount of insurable earnings earned during the pay period.
Insurable Hours The number of insurable hours in the pay period.
Element Description
Total Insurable Hours (Block 15A) The total of taxable hours.
Total Insurable Earnings (Block 15B) The taxable wage gross amount.