To Print Count Sheets

If warehouse clerks use paper count sheets for physival inventory you can print the generated count sheet for a particular physical inventory count by using the Physical Count Sheets (IN620500) report, as described in this topic.

To open any form, you can navigate to it or search for it (by its name or by its form ID without periods). For more information about search capabilities, see Search.

Before You Proceed

  1. Open the Prepare Physical Count (IN504000) form by searching for or navigating to it.
  2. Make sure that the required count sheet has been generated on this form.

To Print Count Sheets

  1. Open the Physical Count Sheets (IN620500) report.
  2. In the Reference Nbr. box of the Report Parameters tab, select the reference number of the physical inventory count.
  3. On the report form toolbar, click Run Report. The system opens the printable version of the count sheet.
  4. On the report toolbar, click Print to print as many copies of the count sheet as you need.

Distribute these count sheets among the employees involved in the count.