To Complete the Physical Inventory Count

Once the physical inventory count has been completed by all involved employees and all the available data has been entered, you can complete the physical inventory and generate all the required adjustments by using the Physical Inventory Review (IN305000) form, as described in this topic.

Note: To open any form, you can navigate to it or search for it (by its name or by its form ID without periods). For more information about search capabilities, see Search.

To Complete the Physical Inventory Count

  1. Open the Physical Inventory Review (IN305000) form.
  2. In the Reference Nbr. box, select the physical inventory count to be completed.
  3. In the Warehouse box, select the warehouse where the count has taken place.
  4. On the Physical Inventory Details tab, review the list of items that were counted and their variance quantities.
  5. Process the items with Not Entered in the Status column in either of the following ways:
    • Filter the list of items by the Not Entered value in the Status column, and, on the More menu (under Processing), click Set Not Entered to Zero. The system inserts 0 into the Physical Quantity column for each of the listed items.
    • Filter the list of items by the Not Entered value in the Status column, and on the More menu (under Processing), click Set Not Entered to Skipped. The system inserts Skipped into the Status column for each of the listed items.
  6. Make sure that all counted items have the Entered or Skipped status, and that items with the Entered status have quantities specified in the Physical Quantity column.
  7. On the form toolbar, click Save.
  8. On the More menu (under Processing), click Update Actual Cost. The system updates the cost of the inventory items using quantities resulting from the physical count.
  9. On the More menu (under Processing), click Complete PI.

    The system generates the necessary transactions that adjust the available quantities of the stock items involved in the count.