To Enter the Count Data

After you have counted all items on the count sheet, you can enter the count data into the system line by line by using the Physical Inventory Count (IN305010) form, as described in this topic.

To open any form, you can navigate to it or search for it (by its name or by its form ID without periods). For more information about search capabilities, see Search.

To Enter the Count Data

  1. Open the Physical Inventory Count (IN305010) form.
  2. In the Reference Nbr. box of the Summary area, select the count you are participating in.
  3. For each item in your count sheet, enter selection criteria to view the corresponding table row in any of the following boxes:
    • Specify the start line number (Start Line Nbr. box) and the end line number (End Line Nbr. box) for the particular count sheet or some fragment of it.
    • In the Location box, select the location of the item.
    • In the Inventory ID box, select the inventory ID.
    • Specify the subitem if subitems are used in your system.
    • In the Lot/Serial Nbr. box, specify the lot number or serial number.
  4. In the table, in the Physical Quantity column of the appropriate row, enter the quantity that resulted from the count.
  5. On the form toolbar, click Save.

During the counting, if you have found items that were not in your list and recorded these items, you have to enter the items into the system, as described in To Enter the Count Data for New Items.