To Enter the Count Data for New Items

During the physical counting, you may find and count items that are not on your count sheet. If this is the case, you must enter these items and their quantities into the system by using the Physical Inventory Count (IN305010) form, as described in this topic.

To open any form, you can navigate to it or search for it (by its name or by its form ID without periods). For more information about search capabilities, see Search.

To Enter the Count Data for New Items

  1. Open the Physical Inventory Count (IN305010) form.
  2. Click Add on the table toolbar.
  3. In the Add Line dialog box, which opens, do the following:
    1. In the Inventory ID box, select the inventory ID for the new item.
    2. In the Location box, specify the location of the new item.
    3. In the Qty. box, enter the item quantity measured in the unit of measure (UOM) shown in the UOM box.
    4. If the item requires a lot or serial number, in the Lot/Serial Nbr. box, enter this number.
    5. If the item has a lot number, in the Expiration Date box, specify the expiration date of the item.
    6. Click Add and Close, which adds the item and closes the dialog box.
  4. On the form toolbar, click Save.