Budget Revision: General Information
With MYOB Advanced, you can correct budget amounts and add new budget articles at any time.
Learning Objectives
- Modify the amounts of existing budget articles
- Add new budget articles to a budget
Applicable Scenarios
You modify a budget after the current budget has been analyzed and revised to decrease or increase spending, reallocate revenues, include amounts for unexpected or uncommon expenses, or correct errors.
Budget Revision
You can change the prepared budget at any time on the Budgets (GL302010) form. You can change the total amounts of the budget articles and the distribution of article amounts for individual periods. After you have modified a budget article, you have to release the article to view its amount on reports.
If you have made corrections that you want to undo, you can restore the budget to the released version. To do so, you click Manage Budget on the form toolbar. In the Manage Budget dialog box, which appears, you select the Roll Back to Released Values option in the Select Action box. All budget articles will be rolled back to the last released values. All changes will be lost.