Lien Waivers: Manual Creation of Lien Waivers

You may need to manually add a lien waiver—for example, if you need to issue the lien waiver before the payment is created in the system. You can manually add a lien waiver for the following documents and records:

To add a manual lien waiver, you add a row on the Compliance tab of the respective form, select Lien Waiver in the Document Type column, and specify the type of the lien waiver in the Document Category column. Then you specify the project, lien waiver amount, corresponding documents, and other applicable details.

Also, you can create a lien waiver directly on the Compliance Management (CL401000) form. On this form, you add a row to the table and select Lien Waiver in the Document Type column. Then you select the type of the lien waiver in the Document Category column. After that, you specify the document (accounts payable bill or payment) for which the lien waiver is being added, the corresponding project, the lien waiver amount, and other applicable details. After you save the added line, the lien waiver will also be shown on the Compliance tab for each of the related document or record.

After you have created a manual lien waiver, you print it or email it on the Print/Email Lien Waivers (CL502000) form. You can print a manual lien waiver even if it does not have a link to a payment yet. Once the signed copy of the lien waiver has been received from the vendor, you select the Received from Vendor check box on the Compliance tab of the form for the corresponding document.