Selling Matrix Items: To Export Base Prices

In this activity, you will explore how the base sales prices defined for matrix items are exported from MYOB Acumatica and saved in the BigCommerce store.

The following activity is based on the U100 dataset.


Suppose that SweetLife Fruits & Jams keeps all of its sales prices, including the prices of matrix items sold in the BigCommerce store, in MYOB Acumatica. As an implementation consultant, you want to export sales prices of the Base type for all variants of juice (that is, for all matrix items based on the JUICE template item) from MYOB Acumatica to the BigCommerce store.

Configuration Overview

In the U100 dataset, for the purposes of this activity, the following entities have been created:

  • On the Template Items (IN203000), the JUICE template item
  • On the Stock Items (IN202500) form, the matrix items listed in the following table
    Inventory ID Description
    APL-16OZ-GBT Apple juice in glass bottles of 16 fluid ounces
    APL-32OZ-GBT Apple juice in glass bottles of 32 fluid ounces
    CHR-32OZ-GBT Cherry juice in glass bottles of 32 fluid ounces
    ORG-16OZ-GBT Orange juice in glass bottles of 16 fluid ounces
    ORG-32OZ-GBT Orange juice in glass bottles of 32 fluid ounces
    PCH-32OZ-GBT Peach juice in glass bottles of 32 fluid ounces
    PNL-16OZ-GBT Pineapple juice in glass bottles of 16 fluid ounces
    SWB-32OZ-GBT Strawberry juice in glass bottles of 32 fluid ounces
    TMT-16OZ-GBT Tomato juice in glass bottles of 16 fluid ounces
  • On the Sales Price Worksheets (AR202010) form, a sales price worksheet with the base prices for the matrix items (juice variants)

Process Overview

In this activity, you will do the following:

  1. On the Sales Price Worksheets (AR202010) form, release a sales price worksheet for the matrix items; on the Sales Prices (AR202000) form, review the added sales prices.
  2. On the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) form, activate the Base Sales Price entity.
  3. On the Prepare Data (BC501000) form, prepare the base sales price data for synchronization; on the Process Data (BC501500) form, process the prepared data.
  4. In the control panel of the BigCommerce store, review the exported prices of items.

System Preparation

Before you complete the instructions in this activity, do the following:

  1. Make sure that the following prerequisites have been met:
  2. Sign in to the MYOB Acumatica instance with the U100 dataset preloaded by using the following credentials:
    • Username: gibbs
    • Password: 123

Step 1: Adding Base Sales Prices for the Matrix Items

To add sales prices of the Base type for the matrix items based on the JUICE template item, do the following:

  1. Open the Sales Price Worksheets (AR2020PL) form.
  2. In the row of the sale price worksheet with the description Juices, January 2022, click the link in the Reference Nbr. column.
  3. On the Sales Price Worksheets (AR202010) form, which opens, review the details of the worksheet and the individual price records.

    In the table, notice that each sales price has the Base type and a nonzero value in the Pending Price column.

    In the Summary area, notice that Effective Date is set to 1/1/2022 and there is no value in the Expiration Date column. Only prices that are effective at the time of the synchronization are exported to the BigCommerce store.

  4. On the form toolbar, click Remove Hold and then click Release to release the sales price worksheet.
  5. Open the Sales Prices (AR202000) form.
  6. In the Item Class ID box of the Summary area, select MJUICE.

    Notice that the table displays all sales prices from the sales price worksheet you released in this step.

Step 2: Activating the Needed Entity

To export sales prices of the base type, you need to activate the Base Sales Price entity as follows:

  1. Open the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) form.
  2. On the Entity Settings tab, select the Active check box in the row of the Base Sales Price entity.

    When you process this entity, the sales prices of the Base type defined on the Sales Prices (AR202000) form are exported.

  3. On the form toolbar, click Save.

Step 3: Synchronizing the Base Sales Prices

To synchronize the base sales prices, do the following:

  1. Open the Prepare Data (BC501000) form.
  2. In the Summary area, specify the following settings:
    • Store: SweetStore - BC
    • Prepare Mode: Incremental
  3. In the table, select the Selected check box for the Base Sales Price entity.
  4. On the form toolbar, click Prepare.
  5. In the Processing dialog box, which opens, click Close to close the dialog box.
  6. In the row of the Base Sales Price entity, click the link in the Ready to Process column.
  7. On the Process Data (BC501500) form, which opens with the SweetStore - BC store and the Base Sales Price entity selected, click Process All on the form toolbar.
  8. In the Processing dialog box, which opens, click Close to close the dialog box.

Step 4: Reviewing the Exported Base Prices

To view the exported prices of the matrix items based on the JUICE template item, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the control panel of the BigCommerce store as the store administrator.
  2. In the left pane, click Products > View.
  3. On the View Products page, which opens, locate the JUICE item in the list of products, and in the row of this item, click the link in the Product Name column.
  4. On the product management page, which opens, in the Variations subsection of the Product Options section, click Edit Columns right of Variants, and in the menu, select the Sale Price check box.

    Notice that the sales prices that you added in Step 1 and synchronized in Step 3 are displayed in the Sale Price column.