Import of Products with Variants: Settings of Imported Items

You can import products with variants that have been defined in the external system instead of creating the products manually in MYOB Acumatica. When you import these products, the following items are created in MYOB Acumatica:

Template Item Settings Imported from the External System

The following table shows the settings that are assigned to a template item on the Template Items (IN203000) form based on the corresponding settings of the source product from the product management page in the BigCommerce store.

MYOB Acumatica Element BigCommerce Element
Summary area
Description Product name
Price/Cost tab
Default Price Default Price
Description tab
Item description Description
eCommerce tab


The system inserts one of the following options, depending on the settings of the corresponding product:

  • Visible: The Visible on Storefront check box is selected, and the Set as a Featured Product on my Storefront check box is cleared.
  • Invisible: The Visible on Storefront check box is cleared.
  • Featured: The Visible on Storefront and Set as a Featured Product on my Storefront check boxes are selected.
Visible on Storefront, Set as a Featured Product on my Storefront


The system inserts one of the following options, depending on the settings of the corresponding product:

  • Set as Available (Track Qty.): The This product can be purchased in my online store option button is selected in the Purchasability section, and the Track Inventory is selected.
  • Set as Available (Don't Track Qty.): The This product can be purchased in my online store option button is selected in the Purchasability section and the Track Inventory check box is cleared.
  • Set as Unavailable: The This product cannot be purchased in my online store option button is selected in the Purchasability section.
  • Set as Pre-Order: The This product is coming soon but I want to take pre-orders option button is selected in the Purchasability section.
Purchasability, Track Inventory

When Qty. Unavailable

The system always inserts the Store Default option.

Not applicable

Matrix Item Settings Imported from the External System

The following table shows the settings that are assigned to each matrix item created on the Stock Items (IN202500) or Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form when you import a product with variants. The system uses the settings of the template item that it has created for the product and the settings of the source product and product variants, which are specified on the product management page in the BigCommerce store.

MYOB Acumatica Element BigCommerce Element
Summary area


The system composes the description of the matrix item as follows: <SKU> (<Product name>).

SKU, Product name
Price/Cost tab
Default Price Default Price (Variants section)
MSRP MSRP (Variants section)
Attributes tab

Sales Categories table

For each sales category of the product, the system adds a row to the table on the Stock Items (IN202500) or Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form and inserts the sales category defined on the Item Sales Categories (IN204060) form that has a matching description. If there is no sales category on the Item Sales Categories form with a matching description, the system creates a new one in addition to listing this category for the item.

The system imports sales categories only if import has been configured for the Sales Category entity on the Entities tab of the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) form.

Sales Categories
Cross-Reference tab
Alternate ID (in a row with the External SKU alternate type) SKU (Variants section)
Alternate ID (in a row with the GTIN/EAN/UPC/ISBN alternate type) Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
eCommerce tab


The system inserts one of the following options, depending on the settings of the corresponding product:

  • Visible: The Visible on Storefront check box is selected, and the Set as a Featured Product on my Storefront check box is cleared.
  • Invisible: The Visible on Storefront check box is cleared.
  • Featured: The Visible on Storefront and Set as a Featured Product on my Storefront check boxes are selected.
Visible on Storefront, Set as a Featured Product on my Storefront


For a stock item, the system inserts one of the following options, depending on the settings of the corresponding product:

  • Set as Available (Track Qty.): The This product can be purchased in my online store option button is selected in the Purchasability section, and the Track Inventory check box is selected.
  • Set as Available (Don't Track Qty.): The This product can be purchased in my online store option button is selected in the Purchasability section, and the Track Inventory check box is cleared.
  • Set as Unavailable: The This product cannot be purchased in my online store option button is selected in the Purchasability section.
  • Set as Pre-Order: The This product is coming soon but I want to take pre-orders option button is selected in the Purchasability section.

For a non-stock item, the system inserts one of the following options, depending on the option buttons selected in the Purchasability section for the corresponding product:

  • Set as Available (Don't Track Qty.): The This product can be purchased in my online store option button is selected.
  • Set as Unavailable: The This product cannot be purchased in my online store option button is selected.
  • Set as Pre-Order: The This product is coming soon but I want to take pre-orders option button is selected.
Purchasability, Track Inventory

When Qty. Unavailable

For a stock item, the system inserts the Store Default option.

Packaging tab


The system populates the box for only a stock item.


Assignment of the Tax Category

During the import of a product with variants from the Shopify store, the system searches for a tax category to assign to the corresponding template and matrix items created on the Template Items (IN203000), Stock Items (IN202500), and Non-Stock Items (IN202000) forms as follows until it finds a tax category:

  1. It checks the mapping settings on the Import Mapping tab of the Entities (BC202000) form for the corresponding store and the Template Item entity.
  2. It checks the substitution list specified in the Tax Categories box (Substitution Lists section) on the Order Settings tab of the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) form.
  3. It checks the tax category from the item class assigned to the template and matrix item on the General tab of the Template Items, Stock Items, and Non-Stock Items forms.