To Write Off Balances and Credits
By using the Write Off Balances and Credits (AR505000) form, you can view the balances and credits (of appropriately low amounts) of customers for which write-offs are allowed. You can select the documents to be written off.
Before You Proceed
Make sure that reason codes are properly configured and write-offs are enabled. For details, see Write-Off Setup.
To Write Off Small Balances
- Open the Write Off Balances and Credits (AR505000) form.
- In the Type box, select one of the following options:
- To write off underpayments: Balance WO
- To write off overpayments: Credit WO
- In the Doc. Date box, select the date when the write-off will be performed.
The system automatically fills in the Post Period box based on the selected document date.
- In the Company/Branch box, select the company, branch, or company group for which you want to display data. The box is automatically filled in with the branch or a company to which you are currently signed in.
- If needed, in the Customer box, select the customer for which you want to write off small balances from the list of customers for which write-offs are permitted.
- In the Reason Code box, select the reason code you want to mark write-off
transactions with. The reason code defines the account and subaccount to be used for
writing off credits or balances.
In the table, the system lists the documents for which the balance amount (underpayment or overpayment, depending on the selected write-off type) is below the limit. After you increase the limit amount, you can write off the balances that exceed the default limit.
- To write off balances for documents, do one of the following:
- In the document row select the unnamed check box for each document, on the form toolbar click Process to write off small balances for particular documents.
- To write off small balances for all listed documents, click Process All on the form toolbar.
After processing has been successfully completed, you can view the batch on the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form.