Production Order Labor Efficiency

Form ID: (AM653000)

By using this report, you can analyze the labor efficiency of the employees involved in production; the report displaysefficiency by operation and the total efficiency by production order. In the report, the labor efficiency is calculated by using the following formula:

Efficiency = (Production Order Standard Time / Labor Actual Time) * 100

The formula's parameters mean the following:

  • Production Order Standard Time is the sum of the time of a production order's operations—that is, setup time and run time.
  • Labor Actual Time is the sum of the times reported for each production order operation.

The efficiency is calculated for production orders that have a status of Completed or Closed. Operations with backflushed labor always have 100% efficiency; therefore, the efficiency is not displayed for these operations.

See the following section for a description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab of the report form. For more information about using other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report Parameters

On the Report Parameters tab, you use the following parameters to select the information to be displayed on the report:

  • Order Type: A particular type of production orders. Select the particular order type of the production orders to be displayed in the report, or leave the box blank to view a broader range of data.
  • Inventory ID: The identifier of a particular inventory item. Select an inventory ID to view the labor efficiency related to only this inventory item, or leave the box blank to view a broader range of data.
  • Production Nbr.: The reference number of a particular production order. Select the production order for which you want to view the labor efficiency, or leave the box blank to view a broader range of data.
  • Show Employee Details: A check box that you select to include employee details (that is, the actual labor hours the employee logged to the operation) in the report.