Labor Transactions by Order

Form ID: (AM634000)

This report displays up-to-date detailed labor hours and cost information of labor batches. The labor cost is totaled by production order.

See the following section for a description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab of the report form. For more information about using other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report Parameters

On the Report Parameters tab, use the following parameters to select the information to be displayed on the report:

  • Order Type: Select the particular order type to be displayed in the report. You can blank this box to remove the filter.
  • Production Nbr: You can select a single production order or leave blank for all
  • Starting Date: Select to filter material transaction batches with a created date on or after this date.
  • Ending Date: Select to filter material transaction batches with a created date on or before this date.
  • Showing Unreleased Transactions: Clear this box to include unreleased labor and move batches.