
You can use the sm:RecordActionLink tag to remove an action from the screen toolbar and put the action among the <sm:Field> tags on a data entry form. The action to which this tag refers must be declared with the same name within the same container by using the <sm:Action> tag.


The sm:RecordActionLink tag has the following attributes.
Attribute Description
Name The action identifier, as found in the WSDL schema.
Weight The value that is used to set the width of the link within the UI element line defined by the <sm:Layout> tag with the Template attribute set to Inline. The default value is 1.


The following example shows how to use the sm:RecordActionLink tag in the mobile site map.

<sm:Container ...>
  <sm:RecordActionLink Name="ViewOnMap"/>
  <sm:Action Behavior="Void" Context="Record" Name="ViewOnMap" Redirect="true"/>