
The sm:Layout tag is used to arrange multiple UI elements on a screen of the mobile app. The tag can contain the following types of nested tags:

  • <sm:Field>
  • <sm:ContainerLink>
  • <sm:RecordActionLink>
  • <sm:Layout>
    Note: The sm:Layout tags with the Template attribute set to HeaderSimple or HeaderFirstAttachment can include nested sm:Layout tags with Template="Inline". The sm:Layout tags for which the Template attribute is Inline cannot include any nested sm:Layout tags.

For details about the relationships between tag types in the mobile site map, see the diagram in XML Tags.


The sm:Layout tag has the following attributes.
Attribute Description
Name The identifier of the line layout, as found in the WSDL schema.
Template The template that is used to define the layout. The following values can be used for this attribute:
  • HeaderFirstAttachment: An indicator that the mobile app should arrange the UI elements, which are mapped by the nested tags, in a group-like header container with an attachment icon on the left. If you click the attachment icon, you can take a photo and attach the photo to the screen of the mobile app. The camera behavior is affected by the attributes of the sm:attachments tag. If the screen of the mobile app already has attachments, the first attachment thumbnail is shown instead of the attachment icon.

    The tag with the attribute set to HeaderFirstAttachment can include nested sm:Layout tags with Template="Inline". The tags with the attribute set to HeaderFirstAttachment cannot be nested in other sm:Layout tags and can be nested only in sm:Container tags.

  • HeaderSimple: An indicator that the mobile app should arrange the UI elements, which are mapped by the nested tags, in a group-like header container.

    The tag with the attribute set to HeaderSimple can include nested sm:Layout tags with Template="Inline". The tag with the attribute set to HeaderSimple cannot be nested in other sm:Layout tags and can be nested only in sm:Container tags.

  • Inline: An indicator that the mobile app should arrange UI elements, which are mapped by the nested tags, in a line by using the Weight attributes specified for these elements. If the Weight attribute is not defined for a nested tag, the mobile app uses 1 as the default value.

    The tag with the attribute set to Inline cannot include nested sm:Layout tags. The tags with the attribute set to Inline can be nested in other sm:Layout tags.


In the following example, the TotalAmount field takes 3/6 of the total width, the Save action link takes 1/6, and the Currency field takes 2/6.
<sm:Layout Template="Inline">
    <sm:Field Container="ReceiptDetailsExpenseDetails" Name="TotalAmount" 
    <sm:RecordActionLink Name="Save"/>
    <sm:Field Container="ReceiptDetailsExpenseDetails" Name="Currency" 
        PickerType="Attached" Weight="2"/>
The following example shows how nested sm:Layout tags can be used.
<sm:Layout Name="ReceiptHeader" Template="HeaderSimple">
    <sm:Layout Name="ReceiptIdLine" Template="Inline">
        <sm:Field Name="ReceiptID" ForceIsDisabled="true"/>
        <sm:Field Name="Status" ForceIsDisabled="true"/>