
The sm:ContainerLink tag has the following attributes.
Attribute Description
Container The name that is the link to the container. The name is specified in the Name attribute of the sm:Container tag for the container.
Control The type of control, which is one of the following values:
  • ListItem: An indicator that the link to the container is displayed among the form fields according to the value defined in the Priority attribute of this tag.
  • Button: An indicator that the link to the container is displayed in the action panel according to the value defined in the Priority attribute of this tag.
Icon The name of the image that is used to display the link when the Control attribute is set to Button and the link is displayed in the action panel in the UI. This attribute is optional. If this attribute is not specified for a link, it is displayed in the UI without an icon. See the possible values and the corresponding images for the Icon attribute in Icons.
Name The identifier of the link to the container, as found in the WSDL schema.
Priority The priority value that defines the position of the link in the enclosing container on the form.
ValueField The name of the field whose value is used as the link text. The field must be declared in the container.
Weight The value that is used to set the width of the link within the UI element line defined by the <sm:Layout> tag with the Template attribute set to Inline. The default value is 1.