Subaccounts: Allowable Changes to the Configuration of Subaccounts

After subaccounts have been fully configured and transactions have been posted in your system, there are limitations to the changes you can make to subaccounts. For example, you can append a segment to subaccount identifiers, but you cannot delete segments of these identifiers, because such a deletion could result in lost data. If you need to change the configuration of subaccounts in a live system, you have the following options:

  • If you are not planning to use a subaccount anymore, you can deactivate it on the Subaccounts (GL203000) form. If you deactivate it, the system maintains the history of transactions for the subaccount, but users cannot create new documents or transactions with the deactivated subaccount. For details, see To Deactivate a Subaccount.

    Note that you deactivate the subaccount rather than deleting it. A subaccount can be deleted only if no transactions containing the subaccount have been posted.

  • You can add a new segment to the end of subaccount identifiers on the Segmented Keys (CS202000) form. In this case, the account–subaccount combinations that are referred to in existing transactions will have an empty value in the new segment. You can update the list of these combinations on the Subaccounts form and specify the needed values for the new segment. The history of transactions will be updated to reflect the expanded subaccount identifiers.

    You cannot delete any segments of subaccount identifiers.

  • For subaccount identifiers, you can add new segment values and edit the existing values on the Segment Values (CS203000) form. If you change a segment value, on the Subaccounts form, you have to manually update the list of subaccounts that use the old value to contain the new value. This causes the system to update already-existing transactions to use the new subaccount identifiers.
  • You can merge subaccounts by moving the balances to one of these subaccounts and deactivating the unnecessary subaccounts on the Subaccounts form. After you perform these actions, you can also deactivate any unnecessary values on the Segment Values form so that the users cannot select these values when combining subaccounts on the fly.