Inventory Planning Configuration: Monitoring of Calculated Item Quantities by Period

On the Inventory Planning Requirements by Item (AM401200) form, users can monitor the past and present supply of stock items and demand for items. To give users the ability to view item plans by time periods on this form, you should first create inventory planning buckets that correspond to periods of time—such as days, weeks, months, or years—on the Inventory Planning Buckets (AM201200) form.

You specify the bucket (day, week, month, or year) and the number of these buckets that makes up the time period. The start date of a bucket is the day after the ending date of the previous bucket. In the Bucket column, you define the bucket as follows:

  • For a future period, you specify a positive integer value.
  • For a present period that starts today, you specify 0.
  • For a past due period, you specify a negative integer value.
In addition to buckets for present and future periods of time, we recommend that you add at least one bucket for a past due period (that is, a bucket whose value is a negative number).

When you have created the needed buckets, a user can open the Inventory Planning Requirements by Item form and select the bucket ID, inventory ID, and warehouse. The table will show the data about the actual supply and demand and the planned supply and demand. The user can click Results by Item on the More menu, which opens the Inventory Planning Results by Item (AM404000) form. The form shows the item quantities that the system has calculated based on the results of inventory planning for a specific item in a specific warehouse.