Duplicate Validation: Calculation of Validation Scores

In MYOB Acumatica, grams are used for the calculation of the validation score that is specified on the Duplicate Validation (CR103000) form for each lead, contact, or business account. Each record has a number of settings—such as Last Name, Email, and Account Name—that are common across these types of records. The gram value assigned to a field of a particular record is calculated based on the total number of settings that are involved in the calculation of the validation score.

As a rule, if the Duplicate Validation feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, validation scores are calculated automatically.

You need to recalculate validation scores on the Calculate Grams (CR503400) form in the following cases:

  • Validation rules—the rules to calculate the grams—have been changed for any pair of record types on the Duplicate Validation form. If you change these rules and click Save, the system displays a warning dialog box asking if you want to recalculate the validation scores. If you click Yes, the system saves the new settings and opens the Calculate Grams form. You can recalculate the validation scores based on the new validation rule for all records that are listed on the Calculate Grams form that is, records that have been validated using previous validation rules. If you click No, the system closes the dialog box and saves the new settings; the validation scores are not recalculated, and we recommend that you recalculate validation scores later.
  • A group of new records was imported or uploaded into MYOB Acumatica or manually created by users before the Duplicate Validation feature was enabled.

On the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form, you can use the Normalize Validation Scores check box on the General tab (Miscellaneous Settings section) to determine the way the system will calculate the validation scores for a pair of record types. The validation score is calculated for a record as follows, depending on the state of the Normalize Validation Scores check box:

  • Selected: When a validation score is calculated for a record, the system checks whether the record fields with score weights have values in the new record. If all the fields have values, the validation score is the total sum of the grams (that is, the recalculated score weights specified in the Score Weight column of the table on the Duplicate Validation form). If a field with a score weight in the new record is empty, the system sets the score weight for this field to 0 and recalculates the score weights of the other populated fields. The fewer populated fields, the higher the value of the recalculated score weights for other fields. In this case, the sum of grams must be equal to the threshold value that is defined in the Validation Score Threshold box on the Duplicate Validation form. For example, suppose that for the Lead to Lead pair of record types, score weights are specified for two fields—Last Name and Email—and if the values in each of them are identical to the values in the same fields in one of the existing records, the new record is a duplicate. Further suppose that the score weight for each of them is 2.5 and the threshold is 5, and that in a new lead, only Last Name was filled in. In this case, the system sets the grams for Email to 0 and for Last Name to 5. The validation score is the sum of grams of both fields, so it is 5. The value of the validation score is equal to the value of the threshold, and the system considers the record to be a duplicate only based on the matching of the last name values.
  • Cleared: The validation scores are calculated according to the duplicate validation rules specified for the pair of records and do not depend on the number of empty fields that the system has checked for duplicates in the record.