Setup Form: General Information

On a setup form, an administrator provides configuration or maintenance settings for some functionality in the instance. In the MYOB Acumatica workspaces, setup forms are typically listed under Preferences. This topic provides recommendations and guidelines on organizing the layout of a setup form.

The following screenshot shows an example of a setup form with tabs.

Figure 1. A setup form with tabs

Learning Objectives

In this chapter, you will learn how to do the following to define the setup form:

  • Organize the layout of a setup form
  • Configure a setup form with only a Summary area
  • Configure a setup form with tabs

Applicable Scenarios

You configure the setup form in the following cases:

  • You are migrating an existing setup form to the Modern UI.
  • You are creating a new setup form by using the Modern UI.

Recommendations for Organizing the Layout

The recommended template for a setup form is 1-1. For details about the available templates, see Form Layout: Predefined Templates.

The following table shows recommendations for organizing the layout of a setup form.

Correct Incorrect
When most labels are long, make all labels long (with class="label-size-<SIZE>" in qp-template). They should be as long as is needed to make most labels visible without a user needing to hover over the label to see the full name.

The recommended size for labels on setup forms is xm.

UX and Functional Design Guidelines

The form design should be tailored for screens with a resolution of 1280 x 720.

The number of the setup form should start with 10. For details, see Form and Report Numbering.