Processing Form: Selection Area and No Grid Filters
The following topic describes how to configure a processing form that contains a Selection area and a grid but does not contain grid filters (also called quick filters). (In the Classic UI, these forms were based on the FormDetail template.) The following screenshot shows an example of a form with this layout.
View Definition in TypeScript
For a processing form with a Selection area and grid (but no grid filters), you need to do the following in the TypeScript file of the form:
- For the view that displays elements of the Selection area, use the createSingle method.
- For the view that displays the grid, use the createCollection method.
- For each view, use a class that extends PXView with the full list of fields to be displayed.
- Use the gridConfig decorator for the grid and the columnConfig decorator for columns. For details, see Table (Grid).
The following code shows an example of this implementation of a processing form.
import {
PXScreen, createSingle, createCollection, graphInfo, PXView, PXFieldState,
gridConfig, columnConfig, linkCommand, PXActionState, PXFieldOptions
} from 'client-controls';
@gridConfig({ preset: GridPreset.PrimaryInquiry })
export class FABookBalance extends PXView {
@columnConfig({ allowCheckAll: true })
Selected: PXFieldState;
@columnConfig({ hideViewLink: true })
FixedAsset__BranchID: PXFieldState;
@columnConfig({ allowUpdate: false })
AssetID: PXFieldState;
FixedAsset__Description: PXFieldState;
@columnConfig({ allowUpdate: false })
ClassID: PXFieldState;
@columnConfig({ hideViewLink: true })
FixedAsset__ParentAssetID: PXFieldState;
@columnConfig({ allowUpdate: false })
BookID: PXFieldState;
@columnConfig({ allowUpdate: false })
CurrDeprPeriod: PXFieldState;
@columnConfig({ allowNull: false })
YtdDeprBase: PXFieldState;
@columnConfig({ allowUpdate: false })
FixedAsset__BaseCuryID: PXFieldState;
FADetails__ReceiptDate: PXFieldState;
FixedAsset__UsefulLife: PXFieldState;
@columnConfig({ hideViewLink: true })
FixedAsset__FAAccountID: PXFieldState;
@columnConfig({ hideViewLink: true })
FixedAsset__FASubID: PXFieldState;
FADetails__TagNbr: PXFieldState;
@columnConfig({ hideViewLink: true })
Account__AccountClassID: PXFieldState;
export class Filter extends PXView {
OrgBAccountID: PXFieldState<PXFieldOptions.CommitChanges>;
BookID: PXFieldState<PXFieldOptions.CommitChanges>;
PeriodID: PXFieldState<PXFieldOptions.CommitChanges>;
Action: PXFieldState<PXFieldOptions.CommitChanges>;
ClassID: PXFieldState<PXFieldOptions.CommitChanges>;
ParentAssetID: PXFieldState<PXFieldOptions.CommitChanges>;
@graphInfo({ graphType: 'PX.Objects.FA.CalcDeprProcess', primaryView: 'Filter' })
export class FA502000 extends PXScreen {
ViewBook: PXActionState;
ViewAsset: PXActionState;
ViewClass: PXActionState;
Filter = createSingle(Filter);
Balances = createCollection(FABookBalance);
Layout in HTML
You define the layout for a processing form with a Selection area and grid (but no grid filters) by adding the following elements to the HTML code of the form:
- A qp-template element to display the elements of the Selection area. For details on using templates, see Form Layout: Predefined Templates.
- A qp-grid element with the list of records to process.
The following code shows an example of a processing form with this layout.
<qp-template name="17-17-14" id="formFilter" wg-container="Filter_form">
<qp-fieldset slot="A" id="columnFirst" view.bind="Filter">
<field name="OrgBAccountID" control-type="qp-branch-selector"></field>
<field name="BookID"></field>
<field name="PeriodID"></field>
<field name="Action"></field>
<qp-fieldset slot="B" id="columnSecond" view.bind="Filter">
<field name="ClassID"></field>
<field name="ParentAssetID"></field>
<qp-grid id="grid" view.bind="Balances">