Knowledge Prerequisites

To be able to work on a customization of MYOB Acumatica, you should have the following knowledge of technology used in MYOB Acumatica Customization Platform.

Knowledge of the Technology and Programming Language Used in the MYOB Acumatica Customization Platform

You should have the following knowledge of technology and programming language:

  • Proficiency with C# language, including but not limited to the following language features: classes, OOP, custom attributes, generics, delegates, anonymous methods and lambda expressions.
  • Knowledge of the main concepts of ASP.NET and Web Development: application state, debugging ASP.NET applications using Visual Studio, client and server-side development, Web Forms structure, Web Services.
  • Experience with SQL Server: SQL queries (where clause, aggregates, subqueries), database structure (primary keys, data types, denormalization).
  • Experience with IIS: configuration and deployment of ASP.NET websites, configuring and securing IIS.