To Assign the Customizer Role to a User Account

Specialists who will work on customization projects should be assigned the Customizer role in the application instance that is to be customized and tested, as well as in the production application that should be updated with the customization project. With this role assigned, the specialists can use the customization tools and facilities of the MYOB Advanced Customization Platform, and upload and publish customization projects.

A user with the Administrator role has full access rights in the system and can assign the Customizer role to the needed users by using the Users (SM201010) form.

Note: The default admin user has the Administrator role.

If you have the Administrator role, do the following to assign the Customizer role to a user account:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > User Security > Manage > Users.
  2. In the Login box, select the user account to which the Customizer role should be assigned.
  3. Make sure the user account is not a guest account (in the Summary area) and is not assigned to a guest role (on the Roles tab).
  4. On the Roles tab, select the check box for the Customizer role, and click Save on the form toolbar.
    The screenshot below shows the Johnson user account assigned to the Customizer role. The account is not a guest account and is not assigned to any guest roles.
    Figure 1. Assigning the Customizer role to a user account

After you save your changes, the user gets full access for customization of the system as soon as the user refreshes a form in the web browser.