To Integrate the Customization Project Editor with Source Control

To start tracking changes in a customization project by using source control, perform the following actions:
  1. Configure Visual Studio to use source control.
  2. In Visual Studio, do the following:
    1. Open your customization project, and add it to the source control.
    2. Sync your project with the latest server version.
Before starting the project development, you have to do the following each time:
  1. Get the latest version of the customization project from the server.
  2. Load the project from the local storage, as described in To Update the Content of a Project from a Local Folder.
After the project has been modified, you have to do the following:
  1. Update the project in the local storage, as described in To Save a Project to a Local Folder.
  2. Check in the changes to the server.