Writing Custom SQL Scripts for Interpretation

In custom scripts for interpretation, you can use the data types and SQL statements that are listed below.

Data Types

The following data types of Microsoft SQL Server are supported for interpretation:

  • bit
  • char, nchar, varchar, and nvarchar
  • smallint, int, and bigint
  • date, datetime, and datetime2
  • uniqueidentifier
  • decimal and double

The following data types of MySQL Server are supported for interpretation:

  • binary, varbinary, and longblob
  • char, varchar, and longtext
  • tinyint, smallint, int, and bigint
  • timestamp and datetime
  • decimal and double

SQL Statements

If you prepare a script for interpretation, you can use the following elements of Transact-SQL:

  • CREATE, ALTER, and DROP statements
  • SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements with WHERE clauses
  • Logical operators: NOT, AND, OR, and EXISTS
  • Control-of-flow keywords: IF...ELSE and BEGIN...END
  • Expressions: CASE, COALESCE, and NULLIF
  • Arithmetic operators: +, , *, and /
  • Mathematical functions: CEILING, ROUND, and FLOOR
  • Date and time functions: GETDATE, DAYADD, DATEPART, and DATALENGTH
  • Aggregate functions: ABS, MIN, MAX, SUM, and COUNT
  • Conversion functions: CAST and CONVERT
  • System functions: ISNULL and NEWID
  • System variables: @@ROWCOUNT, @@IDENTITY, and @@FETCH_STATUS
  • Cryptographic functions: HASHBYTES with MD5 only
  • Local variables
  • Cursors
  • Scalar subselect
The DATALENGTH function can be applied to a string or binary object, and the function returns the object length in bytes.

VmSQL Variables

In the script for interpretation, you can use the @@@is_mssql, @@@is_azure, and @@@is_mysql variables. The following table contains the values of these variables for Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Azure SQL Database, and MySQL Server.

SQL Server @@@is_mssql @@@is_azure @@@is_mysql
MS SQL Server 1 0 0
MS Azure SQL Database 1 1 0
MySQL Server 0 0 1

Error Messages

Unsupported data types cause the following error: Cannot figure out DbType for SqlDataTypeOption.

Unsupported elements can cause the following errors:

  • Date interval ... not recognized: This indicates that the dates are specified in an unknown format in the functions that work with datetime formats.
  • Unknown algorithm in hashbytes ... not implemented: If you get this error, an unknown algorithm is specified in the HASHBYTES function. Currently, the interpreter supports MD5 only.
  • Function ... not implemented: This means that the script contains an unknown function that cannot be interpreted.