To Delete a Generic Inquiry from a Project
To remove a GenericInquiryScreen item from a project, perform the following actions:
- Open the customization project in the Customization Project Editor. (See To Open a Project for details.)
- Click Generic Inquiries in the navigation pane to open the Generic Inquiries page.
- In the page table, click the item to be deleted.
- On the page toolbar, click Delete Row (X).
- On the page toolbar, click Save to save the changes to the customization project.
If you delete a GenericInquiryScreen item from the project, the generic inquiry remains in the system unless you delete the inquiry by using the Generic Inquiry (SM208000) form.
If you have added a site map node for a custom inquiry form to the project and removed the inquiry from the project, you should delete the appropriate SiteMapNode item. (See To Delete a Site Map Node from a Project for details.)