Customer Discounts: Discount Codes
In MYOB Advanced, any customer discount is defined by a combination of settings specified for a discount code on the Discount Codes (AR209000) form and for a discount sequence specified on the Discounts (AR209500) form.
- Which level the discounts of this document type are applied on: a specific line, a group of lines, or the entire document
- Whether the discounts are applied automatically or manually
- Whether the discounts are applied unconditionally or based on a set of conditions
Line, Group, and Document Discounts
For a discount code that you create on the Discount Codes form, you select one of the following levels at which this discount is applied:
- Line: These discounts apply to a document line. Line-level discounts may be based on the line amount or quantity of the line, and they can be expressed as percentages or fixed amounts. Line-level discounts can be applied to the unit price of an item or the extended price of the item (line amount), depending on the Line Discount Basis box value selected on the Pricing tab of the Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) form.
- Group: These discounts apply to multiple lines of the same document. Group-level
discounts may be based on the amount or quantity that is in the sum of multiple lines, and
the discounts can be expressed as percentages, fixed amounts, or specific quantities of
free items.
Note: Because some of the discounts can be free items, the system cannot determine which of the group discounts is the best, so it applies all group discounts that are applicable based on the discount conditions.
- Document: These discounts apply to the document total. Document-level discounts are based on the document total, and they can be expressed as percentages or as fixed amounts.
- Transfer orders
- Orders of an order type that has the RMA Order automation behavior and No Update selected in the AR Document Type box on the Template tab of the Order Types (SO201000) form
Automatic and Manual Discounts
For a discount code, you can specify if the system should apply this discount automatically or a user will apply the discount manually. To mark the discount as manual, you select the Manual check box on the Discount Codes (AR209000) form. You can use manual discounts, for example, for rebates or for coupons. You can apply a manual discount to a particular document by using the appropriate form, which can be one of the following:
- Invoices and Memos (AR301000)
- Cash Sales (AR304000)
- Sales Orders (SO301000)
- Invoices (SO303000)
For details, see Customer Discounts: Application of Manual Discounts, Customer Discounts: Application of Automatic Discounts, and Customer Discounts: Application of External Discounts.
You can view the details of the document-level and group-level discounts, automatic or manual, that were applied to the document on the Details tab of the Cash Sales form as well as on the Discounts tab of the Sales Orders, Invoices and Memos, and Invoices forms.
Conditional and Unconditional Discounts
On the Discount Codes (AR209000) form, for each discount code, you can specify whether the discount is applicable to an entity or multiple entities (that is, the discount is conditional) or it is applicable to any entity (that is, the discount is unconditional).
You can apply the document-level discounts to one the following entities or to any combination of entities:
- Customer
- Customer and branch
- Customer price class
- Customer price class and branch
You can apply the line-level and group-level discounts to one of the following entities or to any combination of entities:
- Customer
- Item
- Item Price Class
- Customer and Item
- Customer Price Class
- Customer and Item Price Class
- Customer Price Class and Item
- Customer Price Class and Item Price Class
- Warehouse
- Warehouse and Item
- Warehouse and Customer
- Warehouse and Item Price Class
- Warehouse and Customer Price Class
- Branch
- The Warehouse, Warehouse and Item, Warehouse and Customer, Warehouse and Item Price Class, and Warehouse and Customer Price Class options are available if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
- The Branch option is available if the Multibranch Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.
After you have defined the discount codes, when you create discount sequences on the Discounts (AR209500) form, you can specify particular values for entities (that is, select a particular item to which the discounts will be applied).